Job Outlook
Did You Know?
Grab Bag
You can get a job manufacturing which of these items?
a) A car b) Dog Sleds c) French fry containers d) All of the above
To become an electrical engineer, it is important to take courses in:
a) Physics b) Algebra c) Drafting d) All of the above
What percentage of American manufacturers said in a recent study that finding qualified workers was their biggest problem?
a) 8% b) 32% c) 81% d) 97%
What is the largest manufacturing industry in the world?
a) Plastics industry b) Automobile industry c) Medical industry d) Food industry
What does CAD stand for?
a) Computer Aided Design b) Computer Assisted Design c) Computer As Designer d) Cats Always Dance
You can find advanced manufacturing careers in cosmetics.
a) True b) False
What schooling is needed to become an underwater welder?
a) High school diploma b) Experience and certification in topside welding c) Apply to a commercial dive school and pass their physical exam d) Bachelor's degree e) All of the above f) A, B, and C only
The average salary for a mechanical engineer is:
a) $71,110 b) $32,589 c) $90, 135 d) $63, 425
What are the largest (in size) products manufactured in the world?
a) Ships b) Airplanes c) Trucks d) Trains
How many manufacturing companies provide parts to build a Boeing 757?
a) 37 b) 52 c) 86 d) 103
What machines does a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) operator run?
a) Lathes, milling machines, and spindles b) Welding machine c) Dyno machine d) Injection molding machine
Graduates of which program from local colleges can find employment with companies that manufacture or use green energy systems.
a) CAD design b) Surveying c) Automation Technology/Robotics d) Precision Machining
According to the National Association of Manufacturers, manufacturing workers earn ______% more than the average American worker.
a) 5% b) 10% c) 20% d) 25%
Manufacturing represents what percentage of Indiana's economy?
a) 10% b) 25% c) 30% d) 40%
What does a quality control manager do?
a) Finds defects in production b) Sets up processes to ensure that standards are met c) Facilitates communication between management & production departments d) All of the above