Do you know your TAs?
Actual Medical Spanish
Actual Medical Spanish II- Medical Interview
Spanish Trivia!

Trang moved to Rhode Island to start medical school at Brown, and he lived in Massachusetts for many years before that. However, this state would be the one he considers as his true home state (i.e., the one he grow up in).

What is Minnesota?


Jason turned to his wife, sleeping peacefully beside him. He whispered, "If only she had a good heart, maybe this relationship would last." 

How do you say heart in Spanish? [If needed, accents must be written]

El corazón


Which country has the largest population of Spanish speakers?


How do you say, "Who is your primary care doctor?" in Spanish?

Doctor de cabecera 

Médico de cabecera


What is the most common tortilla for tacos? 

A) Flour

B) Wheat

C) Bulgur

D) Corn
D) Corn!

76 is the number of hotdogs Joey Chestnut ate at the 2021 10-minute Nathan's hot dog eating competition. In that same year, which TA paid homage to Mr. Chestnut by consuming 20 hot dogs over the course of a single day? 

Who is Brady?


Brady woke up one morning, drenched in sweat. He had the same nightmare: Sam had defeated him, again, in an intense game of pick-up basketball. He goes to his doctor, saying "I'm suffering from night-sweats." His doctor, fluent in Spanish, says, oh, "so you're suffering from ___________"

Sudores nocturnos 

Sudores por la noche


Trang is super excited to go to Lima for the first time this summer, which is the capital city of this Spanish-speaking country.

What is Peru?

A patient confides in you, "I am very concerned about a heart attack because my father died of one." You want to give a statement of empathy. What's an example of what you could say?

Lo siento a oir eso. 

Gracias por compartir eso. 

**Many answers**

Spanish shares 91% lexical similarity with what language?



Go up to Timmy and he'll get excited if you ask him what his favorite sport is. What is the name of his favorite sport? Bonus points if you can say it in Spanish!

What is competitive skydiving (paracaidismo competitivo)?


Mental health is just as important as physical health! What is a psychological disorder characterized by recurring, intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors?

[Hint]: This is a multi-word answer.

Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo


Spanish is widely spoken across the world, but there are also many indigenous languages concurrently spoken with Spanish. K'iche is an indigenous language also spoken in: 

[A] Panama 

[B] Guatemala 

[C] Mexico 

[D] Peru


A patient comes in with severe, severe knee pain. How could you ask them about the severity of their pain, one to ten, in Spanish?
  • “En una escala del cero al diez, diez siendo el peor dolor de su vida,  ¿cuánto dolor tiene?”


Q1. On what day does Mexico celebrate Independence Day?

A) September 16th

B) May 5th

C) January 20th

A) September 16th


Camel is Camello in Spanish. This leader rode a camel in Moracco during study abroad.

Who is Sam H

You're working in the emergency room when a patient stumbles in. He has slurred speech, the lower half of his face is drooping, he has blurred vision, and he's dizzy. You say, "A-ha! I know what this is, but only in Spanish. It's a _______"

Derrame cerebral 

Ataque cerebral


In Spain, there are many languages that are spoken besides Spanish. This is the name of the local language spoken in Valencia and Barcelona is...



A patient presents with radiating pain in their upper chest, a sensation of a "racing heart," and difficulty breathing. You decide to do 3 review of systems, one of which is the respiratory ROS. What is the respiratory ROS, but in Spanish?

  • falta de aliento con descanso/actividad, tos, flema/esputo (color especifico, con/sin sangre), sibilancias


MCU has announced their first Latino superhero ‘El Muerto.’ Which famous Latin artist will be portraying this character?

A) J Balvin 

B) Bad Bunny

C) Maluma

B) Bad Bunny


The pet that Elyse had when she was little

What is a lizard/snake? 
A patient comes in asking for results of a recent test they had, but they can't remember the name. You ask, "what was it like?" They describe it as the doctor taking a small brush to remove cells from the cervix. The patient only speaks Spanish, so you say "Oh, of course! The test they had was a ______"



Which state [by millions of people] has the highest Spanish population?



A patient presents with severe vomiting and diarrhea. You decide to do the GI ROS, but in Spanish. Here are a list of 5 symptoms. How do you say them in Spanish (only 4 need to be correct!)





1) nausea

2) vómito

3) acidez

4) diarrhea 

5) estreñimiento 


What is the name of the astronaut who made history by being the first Latina to go to space?

Ellen Ochoa