Learners will go here to "begin" receiving their Academy coursework and information.
What is MyHR/Workday Learning?
TRUE or FALSE: Time spent working on Academy can and should be considered worked time above and beyond 40 hours (overtime).
What is FALSE?
TRUE or FALSE: Online Interactive Experiences enable learners to progress through patient scenarios/case studies - using interactive critical thinking to determine the patient outcome.
What is TRUE?
Describe these icons and their location on the Banner Intranet
Core Measures - Found through key word search or A-Z search on Banner Connect.
The Advanced Concepts in Nursing Academy is designed to provide ongoing education and support to nurses working in these service areas.
What is Medical Surgical (Med Surg), Observation, Oncology, Orthopedics, and Rehab?
This Academy and general learning Lippincott resource contains useful and relevant information for multiple categories:
What is Lippincott Advisor?
These major parts of Academy must be completed/experienced for maximum benefit to the learner. (Name at least two)
What are:
* Tests (Pre and Post)
* Virtual Class Sessions (Blue, Green, & Red)
* Coursework (Lippincott Learning modules and PowerPoints)
TRUE or FALSE: The Online Interactive Experience (OIE) in Virtual Call Red must be completed last as a "conclusion" to the Academy.
What is FALSE?
This Intranet website contains information on the Competency Assessment tool, ACED, Preceptor program, Diabetic Patient Education, and more!
What is Banner Health Clinical Education Site on Banner Connect?
This Academy resource combines evidence-based skills with competency management features to provide an engaging [multifaceted] learning experience that helps you refresh your knowledge or learn entirely new skills!
What is Lippincott Procedures?
This part of Academy is essential to determine knowledge gains in learners.
What is TESTING? (Pre and Post)
The Online Interactive Experience objective is to produce more confident and competent healthcare providers and in doing so, to reduce ____________ and to improve patient _________ and care.
What is reduce "medical errors" and "improve patient safety?"
Compliance with Core Measures improve patient outcomes. Because these outcomes are so important to quality patient care, CMS ties it to _____________ in an effort to keep facilities accountable.
This Banner resource (located here) contains a "Top 5 Toolkit," information on nutrition, "Type 1 & 2," medications, videos, patient education books/resources, information on when to consult an expert in this field, and much more!
What is the RN Diabetes Education Resource (accessible from the Clinical Education site on Banner Connect.)
This is an easily accessible social network platform to catch up on the latest Banner news and the latest Clinical Education announcements - allowing you to receive information, as well as to share your own thoughts, feelings, links, articles, pictures, memes, etc.
What is YAMMER@ ?
Resource documents and tip sheets that will help you as you complete the academy content are found in this section of the curriculum.
What is the Pre-learning/Pre-Course work module?
True or False: Online Interactive Experiences offer learners the critical thinking benefit of simulated learning with the added benefit of virtual, online convenience.
What is TRUE?
TRUE or FALSE: Core Measures are a list of optional treatment guidelines that could be considered for patients with certain diagnoses.
What is FALSE. They must be followed for full reimbursement and maximum patient care outcomes.
The Clinical Education department is also home to this vast resource which is home to ATHENS and "provides knowledge-based information and services that empowers Banner Health to provide excellent patient care.”
What is Banner Library Services?
This resource/link contains Health Sheets, Videos, E-Books, Resources for Management of Chronic Conditions, and links to order Patient Education Booklets.
What is The Patient Education/Krames link from Banner Connect.
Following your completion of all orientation activities - this is the length of time learners have to complete all Advanced Concepts content once it is assigned to their plan in the BLC.
What is 3 months?
Online Interactive Experience can be described as a "choose your own adventure" exercise that facilitates the development of ________ ________ within the learner.
What is critical thinking (or critical reasoning)?
Core Measures are given to hospitals nationwide, from these regulatory and accrediting agencies.
What is Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)and the Joint Commission?
This Clinical Education department webpage links learners to things such as eCoach, filters, ACI courses, toolkits, tip sheets, medical interpreter information/resources, and even a "practice" environment for ALL clinical staff.
What is Clinical Education Informatics?