Palm out 0 circles once vertically
Right palm-up H swings over to hit top of left G; repeats. (see "increase")
SEE was invented to replace ASL.
False. SEE is an educational tool that shows English on the hands.
When signing WH-Questions eyebrows go down. True or False.
Heel of B circles on little finger of palm-up left I
I-hands touch and separate sideways (See Separate)
Horizontal R's, right taps left R (See Name) + -tion
Following the 2/3 rule: Leave the books on the table. The leaves are beautiful. Signed the same or different?
Signed different
Shaking your head when signing "don't" is an example of Affirmation. True or False.
False. Adding the head shake is and example of Negation
Right hand clasps side of left T-hand and slides off to A-hand
Both palm-up R-hands, move forward and slightly up (See Suggest) + -tion
Side of right P strikes sharply against vertical left palm (See Forbid)
What is another sign in the "yarn" family of signs?
cable, fiber, ribbon, string, thread, twine, wire
Showing the sign for "bow" in the hair for hairbow and signing "bow" at the collar for "bowtie" is the ASL feature of what?
Palm-out O's arc sideways; up and out and open to 5's
O rocks on index finger of H-hand (See Weigh)
G's, palm-facing, circle each other forward from right shoulder + -or
Only one sign can represent one English word in SEE. True or False?
True. A sign should be translatable to only one English word equivalent.
Give an example of the ASL feature of Directionality
Ex: Look out the window. Sign "look" in the direction of the window
E circles under left palm, changes to palm out R then Y-hand. (element+-ary)
Bent middle finger shakes slightly upward from forehead. (See smart) + -ance
Palm-up F arcs over to palm-down on top of left palm-down hand (See Cargo)
SEE uses 75% of ASL but adds initials to differentiate between words with the same sign in ASL.
True. Almost all of the SEE signs are connected to an ASL sign.
When signing the past or present tense you should make the affix LARGE to clarify meaning? True or False
False. The marker should be made at the conclusion of the verb. If it is a two handed sign keep the left hand in position while the right hand signs the suffix.