What is the feminine singular definite article in Spanish?
Answer: La
What is the Spanish word for "teacher"?
Aswer: Maestro/a
What is the Spanish word for "library"?
Answer: Biblioteca
What is the Spanish word for "pencil"?
Answer: Lápiz
What is the present tense “yo” form of “hablar”?
Answer: Hablo
What is the plural masculine indefinite article in Spanish?
Answer: Unos
Which profession in Spanish means "firefighter"?
Answer: Bombero/a
How do you say "gas station" in Spanish?
Answer: Gasolinera
What do you call a "notebook" in Spanish?
Answer: Cuaderno
How do you conjugate "comer" for "nosotros" in the present tense?
Answer: Comemos
What is the Spanish pronoun for "they" when referring to a group of only females?
Answer: Ellas
What is the Spanish word for "nurse"?
Answer: Enfermero/a
Name two locations in Spanish where you can buy food.
Answer: Supermercado, Mercado, Restaurante, Cafetería
Name three classroom objects in Spanish.
Answer: Mesa, Silla, Computadora, Regla, Libro, etc.
What is the correct "tú" form of "vivir" in the present tense?
Answer: Vives
How do you formally address one person in Spanish?
Answer: Usted
How do you say "scientist" in Spanish?
Answer: Científico/a
What is the Spanish word for "post office"?
Answer: Correo
What is the Spanish word for "shower"?
Answer: Ducha
What is the "ellos" form of the verb "cantar" in the present tense?
Answer: Cantan
List all the Spanish subject pronouns.
Answer: Yo, Tú, Él, Ella, Usted, Nosotros, Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes
What is the Spanish term for a "stay-at-home parent"?
Answer: Quedarse en casa
Name three places in Spanish where people work.
Answer: Oficina, Hospital, Escuela, Banco, etc.
Name four furniture items in Spanish.
Answer: Sofá, Cama, Mesa, Silla, Espejo, etc.
How do you conjugate "escribir" for all subject pronouns?
Answer: Escribo, Escribes, Escribe, Escribimos, Escriben