Find the S/V and the error:
The flowers in the field often grow dry and brown in the August heat of California summers.
Subject - flowers
Verb - grow
Find the S/V and error:
Tonight there are to many stars in the sky to count.
S - stars
V - are
to = too
Find the S/V and error:
A pile of books sits before her which she finds dauntingly.
S - pile
V - sits
dauntingly = daunting
Find the error and the S/V:
No one in Sacramento bakeries know how to make authentic cannolis.
S - No one
V - knows
knows - know
Find the S/V and error:
Some of the cars exceed the speed limit on Highway 280 in mile marker 43.
S - Some
V - exceed
in = at
Find the S/V and error:
One of the bowls belongs for his mother.
subject - one
verb - belongs
to his mother
Choose the correct sentence:
There were several birds with clipped wings that Helen could choose from.
There was several birds with clipped wings that Helen could choose from.
There were several birds with clipped wings that Helen could choose from.
Find the S/V and error:
The roses on the greenhouse show sensitivity to light.
S - roses
V - show
on = in
Find the error and the S/V:
Each of the carpenters hammer the board.
S - each
V - hammers
hammer = hammers
Find the S/V and error:
Some of the children fail to learn to read by ages seven.
S - Some
V - fail
age = ages
Find the S/V and the error:
The movie about drag queens at different parts of Cuba intrigued Margaret.
S - movie
V - intrigued
at = in
Find the S/V and error:
On the table there are three white, dirty mugs which need to be washed immediate for use.
S - mugs
V - are
immediate = immediately
Find the S/V and error:
There was a reasons that I couldn't write my essay last night.
S - reason
V - was
reasons = reason
Find the S/V and error:
Somebody hasn't to close the window before we leaves.
S - Somebody
hasn't = has
leaves = leave
Find the S/V and error:
All of the lions frighten children who visit the zoology.
S - All
V - frighten
zoology = zoo
Find the S/V and error:
During lunch teachers in the school grade papers or talk about plans at the weekend.
S - teachers
V - grade, talk
at = from/on
Find the S/V and error:
At the end of the street there were many dogs begging the man for bone.
S - dogs
V - were begging
bone = bones OR a bone
Find the S/V and error:
In the band some of the trombones players stand during their solos.
S - some
V - stand
trombones - trombone
Find the S/V and error:
Almost everyones play or enjoy a sport at one time or another.
S - everyone
V - play/enjoy
everyones = everyone
play, enjoy = plays/enjoys
Find the S/V and error:
All of the art interests me even though some of it is confused.
S - All
V - interests
confused - confusing
Find the S/V and error:
A group of skilled ballerinas performs brilliant on stage each season in San Francisco.
subject - group
verb - performs
brilliant = brilliantly
Find the S/V and error:
There were much reasons that I could write my essay last night.
S - reasons
V - were
much = many
Find the S/V and error:
A bigly group of women now searching for jobs is having no luck.
S - group
V - is having
bigly = big/large
Find the S/V and errors:
Nobody in the Smith and Saccio families care if Ari and Frankie eats the last piece of tiramisu.
V - care = cares
V - eats = eat
Find the S/V and error:
Some of the waters evaporates before use.
S - Some
V - evaporates
waters = water