assert innocence
assert yourself
assert your rights
assert your authority
claim, insist, maintain, defend
instil discipline/fear/confidence into sb
implant, imprint, ingrain
deter criminals
deter sb from driving fast
discourage, prevent, stop
abhor cruelty, corruption, theft
hate, detest, loathe
content with the idea/life/second place
content to wait/help
happy, satisfied
bestow a title on sb
give, confer on
remain/become obscure
for some obscure reason
obscured by clouds
obscure artist
unknown, confusing, complicated, covered
infantile jokes/behaviour/play
infantile colic/disease
childish, immature, typical for a child
mitigate a problem/conflict
mitigate the effects/risk/pain
ease, soften, reduce, relieve
deceitful behaviour/people
false, dishonest
invariably fatal disease
invariably wrong/right
always, without fail
efficacious medicine/procedure/treatment
effective, productive
He can't stand sweet food; conversely, his friend has a sweet tooth.
opposite, on the contrary
meticulous research
meticulous in planning
meticulous about the appearance
careful, thorough
ubiquitous security cameras
computers/social media/technology become ubiquitous
everywhere, ever-present
exacerbate the situation/illness/effects
worsen, irritate, intensify
sagacious advice
sagacious person
wise, smart, judicious
disparity between rich and poor
disparity in prosperity/outcomes
difference, inequality, imbalance
extra, unnecessary
inquisitive mind
inquisitive child/neighbours
curious, nosy
impartial, honest, neutral
erroneous conclusions/assumptions/beliefs
wrong, false, incorrect
moral/legal conundrums
riddle, mystery, problem
impoverished districts/society/family
expenditure on weapon
reduce/increase expenditure