1953 Inductees
1956 Inductees
1959 Inductees
1962 Inductees

Developed and manufactured poultry equipment for processing poultry and eggs.

Who is Seth Barker of Barker Poultry Equipment Company?

World-renowned poineer in poultry genetics and breeding.

Who is Hubert Goodale?


Developed vaccines for the control of Fowl Pox, Newcastle Disease and Laryngotracheitis.

Who is Fred Beaudette?


Developed Minesota Plan of practical procedures in turkey production, developed a widely quoted series of "turkey Talk" bulletins and a newsletter called "Talking TUrkey"  Recognized authority on turkey management.

Who is William Billings?


World-wide reputation as an author to textbooks, scientific and popular articles in the poultry field.

Who is Morley Jull?


Discovered the importance of Vitamin D for poultry.  Devleoped the control of coccidiosis with elemenatl sulphur.  Determined the effects of processing on soybean meal.

Who is James Halpin?


Authority in poultry nutrition and management.

Who is OB Kent?


Leader in processing, marketing and refrigeration of poultry and eggs.

Who is L.B Kilbourne?


Teacher of > 6000 students, many of whom became leaders in science and industry.  His memorial fund provides scholarships for poultry students at University of Missouri

Who is Harry Kempster?


Established the Philadelphia Clinical Library, doing bacteriological analyses for 400 plus doctors.  Devised a system of inspecting dairy herds that was later adopted in many parts of the country.  Highly respect consultant to the poultry industry for 45 years.

Who is Mary Pennington?


Known as the breeder and developer of a meat or broiler strain of New Hamsphires.

Who is Andrew Christie?


Devleoped a utility type of Barred Plymouth Rock whick became world Famous.

Who is W.R. Graham?


Poioneer investigator in the use of soybean oil meal for poultry.

Who is Allen Phillips?


Pioneer in quality improvement of shell eggs and egg products.  A leader in the "Chicken of Tomorrow Contests" which stimulated the development of meat type broilers.

Who is Howard Pierce?


Organized the first poultry judging school in 1918 and the first to start poultry extension work.

Who is James Rice?