Base Sales
Incremental Sales
Data Collection
The definition of Base Sales.
What is the expected sales in the absence of any in store trade promotion?
These are the five basic mutually exclusive types of promotion.
What are Feature & Display, Feature Only, Display Only, TPR and Special Pack?
In this area in Unify, I can only toggle between pre-selected items in a drop down menu, I cannot get to the selector.
What is a Desk?
IRI personnel who goes into selected stores within 48 hours of best food day, on a weekly basis to record merchandising activity.
What is an auditor?
Costco, Dollar Tree , Bed Bath & Beyond, just to name a few.
What are retailers that are not included in MULO.
The primary driver of Base Sales
What is Distribution?
This is the definition of Weighted Weeks.
What is the measure that tells us the amount of trade promotion support we received from the stores participating.
These are the things I can use to Filter my reports in the Library - name at least 2.
What are Business Issue, Tag, Model, Use, Author and Favorites?
IRI gets this data set from the retailers.
What are UPC level, Weekly Dollars and Units
Hurricane Sandy, Dr Oz on Oprah, Sunday FSIs.
What is an example of things that effect Base Sales that cannot be measured in POS Data?
The measure that helps you understand your "everyday shelf price"
What is Weighted Average Base Price?
This is the definition of Subsidized Base Sales.
What are sales that would have occurred even if a promotion was not present?
The Burger Icon on the Unify page takes me here.
What is the Global Navigation Menu?
The definition of RMA and CRMA.
What is a retailer defined trading geography that are Census accounts. An IRI defined trading geography that includes the retailer's stores plus the competitive retailers in the area.
My brand has 10 items, so this is the highest Total Points of Distribution I can reach.
What is 1000?
An IRI proprietary smoothing process to understand base and incremental sales. IRI will remove the promoted weeks and only look at the non-promoted weeks.
What is calculating the Baseline/baselining?
The average percentage by which sales increased in weeks with the selected Causal Condition.
What is % Incrase in Dol by Merch or % Lift?
You can do this with the Funnel icon.
What is filter the data by value or create a top X report?
Total Store Dollar Sales, floor to ceiling, wall to wall.
What is All Commodity Volume or ACV?
When I want to evaluate sales rate that will equivalize for size of the market, this is the measure I use.
What is Dollars per $MM ACV?
One reason you may see a difference between ACV Wtd Distribution and Avg Weekly ACV Distribution
What is a slow moving item or seasonality or out of stocks?
The measure that tells me what percent of Promoted Volume was truly Incremental.
What is Trade Efficiency?
These are three areas of functionality under the "More" Button - name at least 2.
What are Export, Share, Find/Replace, Link Dimensions, Personalization, Properties?
This is the base price rule.
What is a Price decrease that occurs after 6 consecutive non-promo weeks with a sustained lower selling price of 5% or more.
This is the difference between Wtd Avg Base Price and Average Price - No Merch?
What is one includes the base price from all stores and the other includes the non-promoted price only from stores not participating in a promotion.