How Manny weeks does Advent last
4 weeks
Who appeared to Mary to announce she would give birth
How many books are in the Bible
What color is the church during Advent
Who visited Jesus at his birth
Wise men / Magi / Reyes magos
During Advent what is not sung
How did Archangel Gabriel speak to Joseph about the baby
A dream
When Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, what infant leaped for joy
John the Baptist
What does Emmanuel mean?
God with us
Where was Jesus born
How many candles are there in the Advent wreath
5 (5th is Jesus Candle)
Where did Archangel Gabriel tell Jospeh to take Mary and the child to
What 2 Gospels tells us about Jesus' birth and childhood
Matthew and Luke (Infancy Narratives)
What is Advent
Time of Preparation for the arrival of Christ
How long does Christmas last
12 days
What do we sing again during Christmas
Who else did Gabriel appear to to announce the birth of Jesus
Matthew talks about Jesus' linage from his ancestors what is this called
Jesse Tree
What does Advent begin
A new liturgical year
How many gifts did Jesus get
3 Gold, Frankencense, Myr
What are the names of the candles
Hope, Joy, Peace, Love, Jesus
What was Mary's response to the angel
What book in the Old Testament foreshadowed the birth of Jesus
Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”
Advent is Latin for what word
Adventus meaning coming
When does Christmas end