The 2-class and 3-class students who welcome you at your school
What are tutors
What are the mandatory A-level subjects on IBB?
What are Danish, English, International Economics, and Business economics
What is our address?
What is Linnesgade 2
How long is the second year trip?
What is 2 months/8 weeks
How often did we have "Fredagscafe"?
What is once a month
The place, where everyone goes after school the first and second day after the summer break
What is Kongens Have
What are the mandatory C-level subjects
What are Informatics, Social Studies, Cultural Studies, and Business Law.
What is the name of our principle?
What is Birgitte Faber
Which months does the trip usually take place?
Where does the Galla party take place?
Where is Damhuskroen
Where is our intro tour held?
Where is Tisvilde
What are the mandatory B-level subjects?
What are our founders called?
Who is Niels and Lene brock
Which destination is the coldest?
What is Canada
Where does our last celebration take place?
Where is Børsen?
What competition takes place at the first "fredagscafe"
What is "Årets Putte"
Which second language opportunities do we have at Niels Brock?
What are French, German, Chinese, and Spanish
How old is Niels Brock?
What is 140 years
Which destination is known for Francis Kelly
What is Ireland
Which event is Birgittes nightmare?
What is Uofficiel
Which event, held in connection with school start, is exclusive for new students and tutors?
What is sports day
What subjects are incorporated in the "Økonomisk Grundforløb"?
What are International economics, Business economics and Marketing
What does DMS stand for, which secures that students behave seriously, and with time become independent students
What is "Den mentale skoleuniform"
....The mental school uniform
Which destination is no longer available?
What is the US
Which party only takes place every third year?
What is Mega Brock