What days does Advisory meet on B weeks?
Tuesday and Thursday
What is the address of the Upper School?
400 Uplands Dr.
Hillsborough, CA
What has hands but can't clap?
A clock
Name your middle school student government presidents
Rohan Dalal and Daniela Murawczyk
What is the address of the Middle School?
10 Davis Dr.
Belmont, CA
How many students are in an advisory?
9 or 10
What classroom does 6th grade Math meet in?
What goes up, but never comes down?
Your age!
Which month has the most sixth-grade student birthdays?
February (10 birthdays)
An eagle & a lion!
How many advisories are there in the 6th grade?
What park is next to the Middle School Campus?
Water Dog Lake
What is tall when it is young, but short when it is old?
A candle
How many sixth-grade students have had a sibling at Crystal?
Name all SIX of Crystal's Core Values
Celebrate Scholarship, Seek Growth Challenges, Foster Kindness & Inclusion, Strive for Balance, Engage with Enthusiasm, Lead with Humility
How many students are there in the sixth grade?
How many sports does CSUS offer?
If you are running a race and pass the person in 2nd place, what place are you in?
2nd place
Who in the 6th Grade class holds a US Power Boating License?
Luke Wells
In Frozen 2, which non-existent character does Olaf mention when lost in the woods?
Name all of the sixth-grade Advisors!
Mr. Fongheiser
Mr. Lyle
Ms. DeBuysser
Ms. Dupree
Ms. Richard
Ms. Berti
Ms. Troutman
Ms. Dupeuble, Mr. Keating
In what decade was Crystal Springs founded?
(1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, etc.)
the 1950's (1952 to be exact!)
What has to be broken before you can use it?
An egg
How many sixth-grade students have a first name that begins with the letter K? Name them.
6! Kaedan Kat Kavya Kendall Kiki Kristian
What month of the year has 28 days?
ALL! ;)