Doing the _____ Things,
For the _____ Reasons
This word is missing.
What is RIGHT
I act one way with you and another when you are not around, am I showing I have Integrity?
What is NO?
Thinking without Action is Worthless, Action without this is Disastrous.
What is Thinking?
Integrity is doing what is this, not what is easy.
What is RIGHT?
Character is more than talk, many people talk about doing the right thing, but this is the true measure of character.
What is ACTION?
With the Right _____
This word is missing.
What is PEOPLE?
Yes or No & Give an Example
It makes you a bad person and shows that you so not have Integrity if you make a bad choice or fail.
What is NO?
You must live a lifestyle important to you.
You must work on this to develop your own Outcomes.
What is YOU?
Tests are meant to let us succeed not fail. Tests display this.
Good character produces trust. Trust is essential when working with this.
What are PEOPLE?
To the best of our _______
This word is missing.
What is ABILITY?
This 7 letter word starting with H, can define Integrity.
What is HONESTY?
True or False and Explain
If you are good at what you do and people believe you and trust you, you do not need a title to influence others.
What is FALSE?
Influence attracts friends (people), it can be these 2 things.
What are Positive & Negative?
Every time people make wrong decisions there is an impact even if they do not immediately notice it.
Wrong decisions leave these markings.
What are SCARS?
Even when ______ is looking.
This word is missing.
What is NO ONE?
These things can help guide you to know what is Right.
Name 2
What is Family, Religion, Teachers, Friends, Experiences, etc?
These are characteristics that successful people have.
Give 2-3.
What is:
Learning from failure
positive mentality
Regardless if you believe there are Degrees of Honesty, a little white lie is still this.
What is A LIE?
When more people are involved, this increases.
What is Peer Pressure or Pressure to Conform?
This is the ALA Motto.
What is:
Doing the Right Thing,
For the Right Reason,
With the Right People,
Every Single Time,
To the Best of Our Ability,
Even when No One is Looking.
These are some of the characteristics the Right People (people with Integrity), may have. Name 3.
What is Honest, Positive, Caring, Kind, Nice, Trustworthy, Compassionate, etc?
These are some of the reason(s) we look up to successful people.
What is: _____?
These are some of the right reasons to do the right things.
What are ______?
Your decisions, not this, determine your Integrity and Character.
What is Conditions or Environment?