Medical Advocacy
True or False
SANEs and Advocates

Term that allows rape crisis workers to have confidentiality with survivors

What is Absolute Privilege


This professional receives special training to administer the Sexual Assault Forensic Exam

Who is the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)?


An advocate needs to report to DCFS if a peer assaults a child.

What is False


Name 2 ways advocates and SANEs can help each other when working with a survivor.

What is 

  • Coordinate SANE exam

  • Rephrase information for survivor

  • Ask clarifying questions

  • Share information without breaking confidentiality

  • Assist getting things survivor or nurse needs


What are two exceptions to confidentiality?

What is Risk of harm to self and others, need to report to DCFS


Which option represents the survivor's right to have a kit completed but not released to the crime lab or be known to the police.

Option C


An advocate may not share information about the case with a parent of a child older than 12 without breaking confidentiality.

What is true 


Name 2 ways SANEs and Advocates can partner to help new SANEs/Advocates?

What is

  • Provide tours of facilities

  • Attend each others’ meetings & trainings

  • Support one another during exam

  • Provide feedback to supervisors


Under what circumstances might an advocate unintentionally break confidentiality (name at least one).

What is...

Sitting in on police interviews

Talking with survivor in a public place

Sharing information or discussing case with others not 40 hour trained


This act reimburses survivors for expenses related to their crime.

What is the Crime Victims Compensation Act?


An advocate should give advice to the survivor.

What is false.


Name 2 ways SANEs and Advocates can support each other after an exam.

What is

  • Debrief afterward

  • Update each other on case

  • Be available to process case later