True or False
Group Rules
The Anger Cycle
From Videos and Discussion
Things You Said or Did in Group
Everyone gets angry at times.
What is true? Everyone gets angry and feels that emotion though some people get angry less and are less likely to express their anger in common ways.
The number of successful groups you must have in order to earn a fun group.
What is four?
This is the very first part of the anger cycle that starts everything.
What is a triggering event?
This person was angry because people were calling him fat online.
Who is that fat guy?
This person said that baby kicks are only slightly annoying.
Who is Courtney?
Angry people can never change they way they handle anger.
What is false? Even the most angry people can learn to change their attitude and learn to handle it more effectively.
You should refrain from releasing ______ ______ in group. Hint: Brennen did this a couple of weeks ago.
What is bodily gasses?
Clenched fists and sweaty palms are part of this step in the anger cycle.
What is the physical reaction?
These are things you can do to help yourself when you become angry.
What are coping skills?
This group member said, "Yeah, man...see I already know all of this."
Who is Brennen?
Frustration naturally leads to aggression.
What is false? Not all frustrations lead directly to aggressive behavior.
When someone is talking you should be _________.
What is listening?
We used this students example to explain the anger cycle.
Who is Jamian?
As your anger increases it is more difficult to _____ _________.
What is think logically?
This person has barely said anything at all during group.
Who is Chris or Alex?
If you grew up in a family where people were abusive and explosive with one another, you are more likely to be abusive and explosive in your adult life.
What is true? Though it does not happen to everyone this is the primary place where you learn how to experience and express anger and is a huge contributor to how you handle it as an adult.
These are the things we don't play with at the gym.
What are the mats?
During this phase of the anger cycle you make up your mind about how you are going to handle the situation.
What is the Decision Phase?
From the video last Tuesday, emotions don't happen to you ___ __ ____.
What is you do them?
This person has only been to one group all year.
Who is Drew?
Angry people tend to be powerful and confident of themselves and their abilities.
What is false? They may appear that they are powerful and in charge but in reality their anger is controlling them.
This is the first thing you should do for group.
What is sign in?
This is the final phase of the anger cycle where you begin to realize that perhaps you did not handle the situation as well as you should have.
What is the Cool Down Phase?
Everyone gets angry, what matters is how you _____.
What is react?
This group member can appear to be sleeping and somehow still participate.
Who is Heather?