A fruitful result is produced when we set this
“If they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because of their loss they are _____ the son of God all over again and Subjecting him to public disgrace”
double points if you know the book
Title of chapter 29: build up _____
For double points: which mothers teaching # is mentioned that’s connected to this saying500 points if you can recite mothers teachings
as the sea receivers all the dirt and purifies we should have a broad and beautiful heart to embrace the faults of our brothers and sisters
What mother’s teaching talks about serving?
500 points if you know the teaching
Mothers teaching # 13
Even God came to serve not to be served, When we serve one another without wanted to be served God will be pleased.
Title of chapter 33
Endure the end
Set your _____ on things above
Those born through God the Mother can be Gods children and heirs as well, but those who live by their sinful nature, not by the ____ , will not be able to inherit the kingdom of God
General pastor mention that: This generation is _____ and loveless
What 2 things are mentioned that’s the Israelites grumbled about?
Food and water
Who is mentioned as an example of overcoming trials?
“ for rebellion is like the sin of divination and ____ like the evil of idolatry”
double points if you know the book this verse is mentioned
1 samuel
Find the verse
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.”
Mark 1:35-39
What do we have to do build up goodness?
Set our minds in things above
Main point of chapter 31 desert and the desert journey of faith
general summary
We are the spiritual Israelites in the desert of faith and by seeing the past history and the outcome of those who entered and didn’t we need to reflect on ourselves
Find the verse: All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved
Matthew 10:22
If anyone has arrogance and an unrepentant heart, who do they belong to?
“I who belong to myself”
Who are the those that are regarded as the offspring of God?
Children of Promise
Find the verse
double points if you can do it without the Bible
“The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children.”
Romans 8:16
Who rebelled against leadership?
What word does general pastor use when describing what Job teaches us?
What did the women do with the 2 pounds of rice to be married to the mans son?
she made rice cakes with it and sold it for a profit
In order to be Gods seed we need to learn 2 things from God
Love and Sacrifice
General pastor mentioned that even in trials we should “wave a flag of _____ which signifies that God is always with us”
The first and greatest person in Zion is the one that does this
Serves brothers and sisters
In 1 Timothy 6:7-12
there are 6 characteristics people of God must pursue:
whoever names most correctly gets points, whoever gets all gets double points