Character Sheneneh Jenkins
What is Martin?
The plastics sang Jingle bell rock for the talent show
What is Mean girls?
Best selling album of all time
What is Thriller?
What is National basketball association?
A group of birds called a "flamboyance"
What are flamingos?
What is the fresh Prince?
Noah in the notebook
Who is Ryan Gossling?
Winner of first American Idol
Kelly Clarkson
No hands
What is soccer?
Household appliance that used to be called "Whirlwind"
What is a vacuum?
Lucious Lyon
What is Empire?
Sully and Mike
What is Monsters?
Classic song used to perform CPR
What is Staying alive?
26.2 Miles
What is a marathon?
A spice in your cabinet that is actually a hallucinogen
What is nutmeg?
Thank you for being a friend?
Striped red and Green sweater wearing killer
Who is Freddie Krueger?
Destiny's child debut album
What is Destiny's child?
21 year old Masters winner
Who is Tiger woods?
Only part of the body that cannot heal
What is Teeth?
Charlie Sheens character Charlie Harper on this show was pushed in front of a train
What is the Two and a half men?
Famous movie line from: “I wish I knew how to quit you.”
What is Brokeback Mountain?
"Girl relax, let's go slow / I ain't got nowhere to go / I'm just gonna concentrate on you"?
What is boys to men?
Only sport played on the moon
What is Golf?
A green single seeded berry
What is avocados?