You might think they are daydreaming or "spacing out"
what is an Absence seizure
How messages are sent to and from the brain
Caused by infarcted brain cells
Speech disorder
What is aphasia? Left side
Can be caused by dysrhythmia, dehydration or hypoglycemia
What is syncope?
Rhythmic contractions of major muscle groups
What is Clonic Phase
Projection from the cell body that extends toward another cell
What is the axon?
Caused by calcium and cholesterol build up.
What is atherosclerosis?
Can speak but slurred
What is dysphasia? right side
Felt in the head, neck and face.
What is a headache?
Reset period of the brain
What is postictal?
Interactions between two neurons occurring at a junction
What is a synapse?
Accounts for 87% and blocks the path
What is an ischemic stroke?
They tell you the day is green.
What is receptive aphasia? left
Should always be considered in stroke or seizure patients.
Can last more than 4 minutes and pt can become hypoxic
What is status epilepticus?
All but the 12 cranial nerves exit through here
What is the foramen magnum?
As bleeding continues, this rises
What is the ICP (intercranial pressure)?
Neglect of pain
What is the right side?
A cause that usually involves police.
What is intoxication/drug use?
Psychogenic and have psychiatric history
What is a pseudoseizure?
Controls most basic functions
What is the brainstem?
Increase in BP, Decrease in HR, Irregular RR & Wide PP
What is Cushings Reflex?
Right side won't cooperate
What is the left side?
Condition that causes instability within clusters of neurons.
What is a migraine?