hic Iuno Scaeas saevissima portas prima tenet,
Here most savage Juno holds the Scaean gates as leader/first,
ipse deos in Dardana suscitat arma.
he himself stirs up the gods against Trojan weapons.
Does Aeneas listen to his mother, Venus?
Yes, he decides to get get his family and leave Troy.
What literary device is found in line 612?
hic Iuno Scaeas saevissima portas prima tenet,
Synchesis, alliteration
sociumque furens a navibus agmen ferro accincta vocat.
and raging she calls her allied battleline from the ships, (she) having been equipped with a sword/iron.
Eripe, nate, fugam, finemque impone labori.
Take flight, son, and put an end to your work.
What are the 3 signs that convince Anchises that he should leave Troy?
2. Thunder Boomed after praying to Jupiter.
3. Shooting star in direction of Mt. Ida.
What is the literary device in line 614?
Iam summas arces Tritonia, respice, Pallas insedit,
Now, look back, Tritonian Athena sits on the highest citadels,
Nusquam abero,
I will never be absent,
Who is Aeneas carrying, whose hand is he holding, and who follows behind?
2. Holding Son's Hand - Iulus/Ascanius
3. Creusa/wife travels behind
What is the mood of "respice" in line 615?
nimbo effulgens et Gorgone saeva.
shining from her cloud with her savage Gorgon (breastplate).
et tutum patrio te limine sistam."
and I will stand you safe on your country's threshold."
What verbal construction is "effulgens" in line 616?
present active participle (PAP)
Ipse pater Danais animos viresque secundas sufficit,
The father himself (Jupiter) supplies spirits of the Greeks and favorable strength,
What literary device is found in the text of line 620?
et tutum patrio te limine sistam."
Creusa's ghost appears as a 3rd apparition telling Aeneas to go, travel far, come to Italy, marry new wife and take care of their son. He returns to father and son and finds lots of Trojan refugees have joined them. Where do they head with Aeneas as leader?
Mt. Ida
What case is "nate" in line 619?