What are the advantages of Group Fitness / Group Training
Name 3
Motivation and inspiration
Proper form - injury prevention
Adaptability/challenge - avoid plateaus
Community atmosphere
Workout/format variety
What is a Ligament? What is a Tendon?
The ligament is a connective tissue that connects bone to bone.
The tendon is a connective tissue that connects muscle to bone.
What are the Five Components of Fitness?
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Body composition
Aerobic movement uses which muscle fiber?
Slow twitch
What are Isolation Exercises?
Using a single joint or muscle group at a time, meaning that the individual body parts are worked as separate units.
How do you monitor exercise intensity?
Measuring Heart Rate via Wrist or Carotid Artery.
Anaerobic movement primarily uses which muscle type?
Fast Twitch
What are compound exercises?
Moving multiple muscle groups through multiple planes of motion during an exercise
What are the 3 energy ATP pathways
Immediate: ATP/CP
Short Term: Anaerobic Glycolysis
Long Term: Aerobic Glycolysis
What is an isotonic movement?
movements move and hold muscles, has an eccentric and concentric phase
What are the planes of movement?
Sagittal, Frontal(coronal), and Transversal
What do HIIT, EMOM, AMRAP, WOD, EPOC, each stand for.
HIIT - High intensity interval Training
EMOM - Every Minute on Minute
AMRAP - As many reps as possible
WOD - Workout of the day
EPOC - Excess post-workout oxygen consumption
What is an Isometric contraction?
A muscle contraction that does not lengthen or shorten the muscle fibers
What are the regions of the Spine and the number of each region.
Cervical - 7
Thoracic – 12 (most rotation)
Lumbar – 5
Sacrum – 5 where the vertebrae starts to fuse
Coccyx – 4 fused vertebrae