Past & Present Space Facts
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Sci-Fi & Space Movies
Aerospace Vehicle Tech

First woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean

Amelia Earhart


What are there more of, trees on earth or stars in our galaxy?

There are more trees on earth than stars in our galaxy


What conceptual propulsion method relies on solar power rather than a fuel source?

Solar sailing

And without fuel, we could go interstellar.


Who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo?

Han Solo


What is the name of the first Space Shuttle to launch?



This is the largest man-made object ever put into space and is still being used as a research vessel for Astronauts today

ISS: International Space Station


What material are NASA's Curiosity's wheels made of?



What is a proposed material strong enough to make a space elevator out of?

Carbon Nanotubes


What's the fastest speed a spaceship can travel according to the 1987 film, Spaceballs?



This is the fastest plane to have ever flown. It was developed by Lockheed Martin and had its first test flight in 1964. It has never been hit by a single missile in its 25 years of service.

SR-71 Blackbird


This Astronaut stayed in orbit of the moon whilst Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong touched down on the lunar surface.

Michael Collins


Measurement of time NASA uses to keep track of how long the curiosity rover has been on Mars



What process is Elon Musk suggesting to effectively terraform Mars? 

He has suggested nuking the atmosphere of Mars on both poles to simulate the effect of having two tiny suns that would heat up mars and turn the frozen CO2 into gas to create a greenhouse effect on the planet.


How does Mark Watney communicate to Earth from Mars in the 2015 film, "The Martian"?

Hexidecimal and a 360 degree camera


What determines an airplane's lifespan in terms of a materials standpoint?

How many takeoffs and landings the plane has executed. (Fatigue)


How long did the first dog to go to space live after takeoff?

Laika died 5-7 hours after takeoff due to stress and the capsule overheating. The Soviet Union told everyone that she lived for about a week after takeoff, but this was recently revealed as a lie.


What is the name of the physics effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. 

Coriolis effect


What is Voyager 1's next destination?

Hint: Voyager 1 is past Pluto

A star named AC+79 3888 in 40,000 years


As illustrated in Interstellar, does time slow down or speed up for you the closer you get to the event horizon of a black hole?

Time slows down with proximity to immense gravity


How do aerospace companies test their jet turbine engines for failure before finalizing their designs?

They throw a frozen chicken into it


This NASA probe is planned to come in contact with an asteroid TODAY (12/3/2018) to collect rocks with a collection system designed by a URI Mechanical Engineering graduate, Jim Harris.

OSIRIS-REx: Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer)


What is the name of the Celestial Supercluster which contains the Milky Way and about 100,000 other nearby galaxies?

Laniakea, which means "Immense Heaven" in Hawaiian


Travelling at light speed, how long would it take to leave the milky Way galaxy?

It would take 30,000 years to leave the Milky Way travelling at light speed. Also, it would take 2.5 million years to reach Andromeda travelling at light speed!


What song did Hal: 9000 sing when being deactivated in 2001: A Space Odyssey?

"Daisy Bell" by Harry Dacre (Blur)


What is the bottom of the space shuttle made of?

Silica tiles