This English playwright wrote Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet
Who is William Shakespeare?
This prefix when put in front of the word understood means you poorly or badly understood something
What is mis-?
This character is Simba’s father in The Lion King.
Who is Mufasa?
This artist is known as the "King of Pop" and sang Billie Jean
Who is Michael Jackson?
Square, circle, triangle
What are shapes?
This American classic takes place in Atlanta during the Civil War and Reconstruction
What is Gone With the Wind?
This suffix turns the adjective happy into a noun
What is -ness?
This is the real name of the villain known as Darth Vader
Who is Anakin Skywalker?
This British band released the hit songs Hey Jude and Let It Be
Who are the Beatles?
Mercury, Venus, Earth
What are planets?
This magical book series was adapted into one of the most successful movie series
What is Harry Potter?
This prefix when put in front of the word national makes it about something between different countries
what is inter-?
In Harry Potter, this is the term for non-magical people
What are Muggles?
This singer became famous for songs like Someone Like You and Rolling in the Deep.
Who is Adele?
Shakespeare, Dickens, Tolstoy
Who are famous writers?
This author wrote Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath
Who is John Steinbeck?
When this suffix is added to fear, it changes the meaning to "without fear."
What is -less?
This movie holds the record for the highest box office earnings
What is Avatar?
This composer continued to write music even after he went deaf
Who is Beethoven?
Andes, Himalayas, Alps
What are mountain ranges?
Considered one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, this Irish novelist wrote Ulysses
Who is James Joyce?
These two prefixes mean "not" and are used in words like irresponsible and illogical.
What are ir- and il-?
In Inception, Cobb uses this object to check if he's dreaming or awake.
What is a spinning top?
This iconic rock band’s lead guitarist was Brian May, and their lead singer was Freddie Mercury
Who is Queen?
Sodium, Potassium, Lithium
What are alkali metals?