When was Aeschylus' birth and death?
525 BCE - 456 BCE
Who did Aeschylus go into war with?
He went into war alongside his brother.
What inspired Aeschylus to write tragedy?
According to legend, he saw Dionysus, God of wine, in his sleep, and Dionysus told Aeschylus to write tragedy.
In what country was Aeschylus born in?
He was born in Greece.
How old was he at death?
He was 67 years old.
How many wars did Aeschylus fight in?
He fought in 3 wars.
What genre of theater did Aeschylus specialize in?
He specialized in tragedy.
What was Aeschylus' son's job?
His son followed in his father's footsteps and became a playwriter.
How many siblings did Aeschylus have?
He had 3 siblings.
What family member of Aeschylus' died fighting in a war?
His brother died.
How many plays did Aeschylus write?
He wrote around 90 plays.
What is Aeschylus known as?
He is known as 'The Father Of Tragedy'
Where did Aeschylus grow up?
He grew up on a vineyard in Eleusis, Attica, Greece.
When did Aeschylus get called into military service?
He got called in in 480 BCE.
What is one of Aeschylus' plays, The Persians, about?
The play was about the defeat of Xerxes' navy at Salamis.
What was Aeschylus' two main impacts on the world?
Aeschylus introduced the genre 'tragedy' to the world, and changed the way theater was performed. (Originally, the protagonist would interact only with the chorus, but Aeschylus let the characters interact with each other.)
What inspired Aeschylus to write tragedy?
According to legend, he saw Dionysus, God of wine, in his sleep, and Dionysus told Aeschylus to write tragedy.
Which war that Aeschylus fight in that was most memorable?
The Persian War.
What was Aeschylus' trilogy, The Oresteia, about?
The Oresteia was about the murder of Agamemnon by Clytemnestra, the murder of Clytemnestra by Orestes, the trial of Orestes, the end of the curse on the House of Atreus and the pacification of the Furies.
According to legend, how did Aeschylus die?
According to legend, an eagle was flying by after catching a turtle, and was looking for a rock to crack the turtle's shell on. Aeschylus' bald head was mistaken for a rock, and the eagle dropped the turtle onto Aeschylus' head and killed him.