
A tortoise and a hare were preparing to race, but the hare had doubted the tortoise and made fun of his legs saying they were not long enough, and he would not win. However, the race begins, and the hare gets far ahead and settles down for a nap. The tortoise catches him and passes the hare while he was asleep and wins the race.

What Fable is described but the prompt and what lessons does the fable teach?

The Tortoise and the Hare

Cockiness is its own curse


Which of Aesop's Fables teaches the reader this lesson, "When a man acts righteously, he can never be defeated by punishment?" Describe the story.

The Shepard and the Lion 

A lion got a thorn stuck in his paw and seeks help from a shepherd who pulls the thorn out. The shepherd and Lion then part ways. Later, the man was falsely accused of a crime and thrown to the beasts and the lion recognized him and therefore spared his life. The king commanded that the lion be spared, and the shepherd be sent back home to his family.


What lesson is depicted in Fisherman and the Fish? Describe the story.

It’s better to be humble than having a large ego.

A fisherman was fishing and to his luck had caught a lot of fish in his net. The little fish had swum down to the bottom and escaped through the holes in the net, but the big fish was captured and laying out on the side of the boat.


There was a boy tending the town sheep. He continually shouted “Help, there is a wolf!” The towns people would run to help to not find a wolf in sight. Then one day there actually was a wolf, but the towns people did not believe him. The whole flock was eaten by the wolf.

What Fable is described but the prompt and what lessons does the fable teach?

The Boy Who Cried "Wolf"

Nobody believes a liar even if they are telling the truth/ Credibility and Integrity


What fable teaches the lesson, "It is better to live an honest life, then one of dissent?" Describe the story 

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 

A wolf was hungry and disguised himself as a sheep. He then was locked up with all the sheep for the night, and then the shepherd went to get a sheep for super and ended up killing the wolf.


What lesson is depicted in City Mouse and the Country Mouse? Describe the Story.

It's better to live in self-sufficient poverty than to be tormented by the worries of wealth.

A country mouse feeds a city mouse a humble meal of acorns on his visit. Then the city mouse returned the favor by allowing the country mouse to feast in a human's house. When they are discovered the country mouse panics and exclaims his freedom is more important than the excessive amount of food. 


What is the only Fable in which Aesop himself is mentioned? 

Aesop and His Ugly Mistress


It’s better to be patient than to expect immediate wealth.

The Man and the Golden Eggs

A man had a hen that laid a golden egg for him every day. He got greedy and slayed his hen expecting to find an unlimited supply of golden eggs inside and he lost his source of income. He did not find golden eggs inside.


What lesson is depicted in The Mice, the Cat, and the Bell? Describe the story.

A good plan is futile without someone will act on it

A group of mice hold a meeting to think of a way to defend themselves from the cat. They had thought of tying a bell around the cat’s neck. In the end the mice were too scared to get close enough to the cat to tie the bell around its necks.


A raven was sitting in a tree and a fox had noticed. While the fox had asked the raven if he had a voice. The fox then had tricked the raven to sing and he had dropped his cheese. The fox then ran away with the raven’s spoils.

What Fable is described but the prompt and what lessons does the fable teach?

The Fox and the Raven

Trusting your enemies can lead to your own demise


Describe the Fable that teaches the reader this lesson, "Do not speak unpleasant notions of things you cannot obtain as at some point you yourself wanted it?"

The Fox and the Grapes

A fox jumps trying to eat some grapes, but her efforts were fruitless. In the end she dismisses the grapes as being sour or not fully ripe. 


What lesson is depicted in Zeus and the Tortoise? Describe the story.

One prefers the permanent possessions of their own than the temporary possessions of another.

Zeus had invited all the animals to his wedding. When the tortoise did not arrive, Zeus questioned the Tortoise to why. She said there is no place like home. Zeus then ordered her to carry her home wherever she went.