This market structure is mostly theory.
Perfect Competition(Pure)
This is the one example of Perfect(Pure) Competition.
Farmers' Market
The Boy Scouts of America is an example of a _________ organization.
Non Profit
Most partnership are (General, Limited) and each partner is responsible 100% of the debt if the other partner leaves the country.
The character from the Friday the 13th series that wears a hockey mask.
Which of the two market structures rely on advertising?
Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
What is an example of a natural monopoly in San Antonio?
When you buy _______ in a company, you own a portion of that company?
In a (General, Limited) partner is often called a silent partner and maintains a hands-off approach.
The character from the "Halloween" series that killed his sister when he was young and was institutionalized.
Michael Meyers
What caused CPS and other energy providers in Texas to get people upset because of their rolling blackouts and extremely high energy prices?
Snow storm last February
Good public education will increase the Standard of ___________ of a country.
Unlimited liability means that you are responsible to all the liabilities of the business. The bank could take your home to repay the loan. Which of the three business organizations is this associated with?
Sole Proprietorship
You could invest in a Wendy's _________ and have a proven business model.
He goes to his white girlfriends' house and they try to steal his body.
Get Out
When a fast food restaurant puts the amount of calories on its menu, it is an example of _________Disclosure.
In 1906 Upton Sinclair wrote a book called "The Jungle" about how bad the meat packing process was in America. This helped create the agency that oversees food production in the USA. What is the name of that agency?
FDA Food and Drug Administration
What is the name of the legal document needed to start a corporation?
It is hard to secure bank _______ if you are a sole proprietor, because you usually don't have enough assets.
Zombie movie staring Brad Pitt with some very fast zombies.
World War Z
What could cause markets to fail?
Not enough information, Not enough competition,
What is an example of a negative externality of the production process?
What are the laws that allow local governments to stipulate what can be built in certain areas?
Zoning Laws
Which agency was created during the Great Recession to prevent massive foreclosures?
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
This 1960 movie had a character named Norman Bates and is considered one of the all time great horror movies.