The Basics
Alcohol Use
Family Roles
Even More Statistics

"A problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress” (American Psychiatric Association, 2022), or "A chronic and progressive pattern of drinking that results in severe distress or impairment in a person’s ability to function in one or more life areas” (Miller, 2023) is this disorder.

Alcohol Use Disorder


"The use for curiosity with no subsequent drug-seeking behavior" (Inaba & Cohen, 2014).



"This is the type of family member who can be characterized as the person who has difficulty creating necessary boundaries. They may even deny that the person is struggling and may make excuses for the addict’s behaviors. They unfortunately mask the bigger issue and make it more challenging to heal from the effects of addiction" ("Wellness Retreat Recovery Center," n.d.).

The Enabler


"This percent of Americans increased their alcohol consumption during COVID-19 lockdowns" (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics," n.d.)



"This is the total retail spending on alcoholic beverages in the United States during 2023" (Osorio, 2024).

 $89.8 billion


Beer, Wine, and Distilled – or Hard liquor are types of this.



"Sporadic infrequent drug-seeking behavior with no established pattern" (Inaba & Cohen, 2014).

Social/Recreational Use


"This is the type of family member who can be characterized as the person who is most controlling and often a perfectionist. They up with personal goals, and feel they can provide their family with the illusion that everything will be okay. They are usually the first child, as they are the most likely to have a type A personality and feel as though they are a leader to their siblings. On the other hand, they may experience extreme amounts of stress and have a difficult time managing their anxiety" ("Wellness Retreat Recovery Center," n.d.).

The Hero


"This percent of Americans aged 12 years and older had Alcohol Use Disorder in 2020" (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics," n.d.).



"According to the 2023 NSDUH, this many kids ages 12 to 17 (21.6% in this age group) reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime" ("National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism," 2024).

5.6 million


Alcoholics Anonymous, Women for Sobriety, Al-Anon and Alateen, Celebrate Recovery, and Smart Recovery are types of these.

Support Groups


"Established pattern of use with no major negative consequence" (Inaba & Cohen, 2014).



"This is the type of family member who can be characterized as the person who tends to get blamed the family issues. He or she may feel the need to provide the family with an outlet for blame and take on the blame to protect their family members from feeling these emotions themselves. He or she might eventually be unable to manage his or her anger and act out in avoidance behaviors" ("Wellness Retreat Recovery Center," n.d.).

The Scapegoat


"This number of Americans die as a result of excessive alcohol use daily" (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics," n.d.).



"In 2022, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities accounted for this number of deaths" ("National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism," 2024).

13,524 deaths (or 32% of overall driving fatalities)


This has been repealed or reduced in many cases due to money loss and tax revenue.



"continued use despite negative consequences.” (Inaba & Cohen, 2014).



"This is the type of family member who can be characterized as the person who may not be as involved in the family as the others. He or she may not have shared as much family attention as the other siblings. They typically exhibit behaviors like isolation and the inability to maintain lasting relationships" ("Wellness Retreat Recovery Center," n.d.).

The Lost Child


"This number of people die every year as a result of alcohol abuse" (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics," n.d.).

3 million


"Excessive drinking kills this many Americans under the age of 21 each year. This percent of them are male" (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics," n.d.).

3,983 Americans; 75.1%


Yoga, meditation, and acupuncture are these types of treatments.

Spiritual Treatment


"The compulsion to use, inability to stop use, despite major life dysfunction with continued use” (Inaba & Cohen, 2014).



"This is the type of family member who can be characterized as the person who may utilize humor to try to resolve tension within their family. They often require approval from they surround themselves with due to their fragility. They use humor so they do not have to experience the negative emotions brought about by addiction in the family" ("Wellness Retreat Recovery Center," n.d.).

The Mascot


"Americans lose this many years of their potential life due to excessive drinking" (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics," n.d.).

3.59 million+


"The number of deaths related to alcohol abuse from 2015-2019 in Pennsylvania. This percent of them were under 21 years of age" (National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics," n.d.).

5,703 or 2.7% deaths