What city is S.T.A.R. Labs located in, where most of the events of "The Flash" occur?
Central City
Barry gave up his speed to Zoom to save Wally's life. Where did Barry go after he was vaporized in an attempt to get his powers back?
Inside The Speed Force
What happens to Harry Wells in season 4?
He starts losing his genius
True Or False: Eva McCulloch Was In Charge Of Black Hole?
Who Kills Iris in Season 8?
Eobard Thawne
In one episode, Barry must fight a metahuman that has the power to turn people against each other by manipulating their emotions. What hero does Barry turn against?
Iris and Barry begin dating in season 3? Yes or No?
Why does Wally leave team flash and join the legends?
He doesn't want to be in Barry's shadow
Who is the Villain in Season 7?
In Season 8 Episode 3 Armageddon Part 3 who does Barry ask to take his powers away?
Who was the first to suspect that Dr. Wells was actually The Reverse Flash?
When Barry traveled to Earth Two to rescue Jesse, he met some of his friends' doppelgängers. Which doppelgänger was not evil on Earth Two?
Iris West
Who Designed The New Flash Suit In Season 5?
Ryan Choi
Which Of The Following Harrison Wells Did Nash NOT See In His Own Head?
H.R Wells
Who is the Captain that asks Barry to locate the Gamma absorption array stolen from Mercury Labs?
Captain Singh
When The Flash first appeared, Iris West began writing a blog about him. What name did she use before he was named The Flash?
Red Streak
In the two episode crossover of "The Flash" and "Arrow" TV shows titled "Legends of Today" and "Legends of Yesterday", who was the main villain?
Vandal Savage
How many episodes are there in season 4 of the Flash?
Why is Barry so smart in Season 7?
Barry's New Power Source
Who are the Villains in Season 8? (there is 4 answers)
the Reverse-Flash, the futuristic alien Despero, the fire Meta Deathstorm and the Negative Forces.
In season one a character known as The Trickster, who had been in prison for twenty years, was introduced. Who was this character played by?
Mark Hamill
The villains seen in episode 2 and 3 of Season 3 are:
Rival, Magenta and Alchemy
How Many Times Did Nora Have To Reverse Time To Stop Cicada From Killing A Member Of Team Flash?
True Or False: Eva McCullock Is The First Mirror Master To Appear On The Flash?
How is Eddie Thawne still alive in Season 9?
Eddie Thawne's body had been retrieved by the Negative Forces as part of their plan to create a new Negative Speed Force avatar