What does the acronym HSA stand for
What is Health Savings Account
Year Aflac was founded
What is 1955
For groups with less than 10 employees, only what plans can be offered
What is plans 1 & 2
Which policy historically has the most persistent rate on the books
What is the Cancer Policy
How many years has Derek been with Aflac
What is 17 Years
What does the acronym NAW3P stand for
What is a New Account With Third Policy Issued
Year Aflac Duck came on the scene
What is 2000
The Orthodontia benefit can be added to standard dental plan designs for groups with how many employees
What is 25 eligible employees
Which two Aflac policies now offer Mental Health treatements
What is Hospital Choice and Short Term Disability
What is Krissi Jo's favorite place to take her agents?
What is Mazen's
What does the Acronym NASSA stand for
What is New Account Self Service Automation
Who are 3 founding fathers of Aflac
Who is John, Bill, and Paul
What amount of employees must a company obtain in order to tailor plans
what is 100 employees
Which Aflac policy offers accidental death life insurance in the policy
What is Accident Advantage
What was Ellis's job prior to working for Aflac
What is the Management over Waste Management
What does the Acronym SIC stand for?
What is Standard Industry Classification
How old will the Aflac duck turn in 2025
What is 25
what are the two different types of plans offered in dental
What is PPO & MAC
Which policy covers you for Major Human Organ Transplant
What is Critical Care Protection
What was Derek's job before investing himself into Aflac?
What is construction
What does acronym CCLM stand for
Career Customer Lifecycle Management
Which country has recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary with offering Aflac
What is Japan
what is the name of the TPA Aflac is now utilizing
What is SkyGen
Which Value-Added Service helps to monitor and protect personal information
What is EZ Shield
What is Natasha's middle name
What is Ann