Rhetorical Question/Emotive Language

What persuasive device is this sentence using: Everyone knows that youth crime is spreading in young Australians.

A) Alliteration

B) Facts

C) Both



The following sentence is an opinion: I believe students will stop vaping if we raise awareness surrounding the health issues it creates.

A) False

B) True



What is a rhetorical question?

A question with no answer used in persuasive writing

Which of these sentences use statistics:

A) Over 20% of male students and 15% of female students in Australia report being bullied at least once a week.

B) The cost of fixing facilities due to vandalism means Mabel Park State High cannot put resources into improving student education.

C) Both of the above

A) Over 20% of male students and 15% of female students in Australia report being bullied at least once a week.


The following sentence uses triplets: Students who wag class are missing out on important content and social interaction.

A) False

B) True

A) False


Which sentences uses alliteration:

A) Fighting leads to student tension, suspension and explusion.

B) The big bad in our school is bullying.

C) Both the above

B) The big bad in our school is bullying.


Which of the following sentences is an opinion:

A) In a survey 39% of Queensland parents stated their child wags school due to stress and anxiety.

B) It is my view that students do not attend class because they are stressed.

C) Both of the above

B) It is my view that students do not attend class because they are stressed.


What AFOREST device is being used in this sentence: Are you aware of the thousands of people affected by youth crime?

A) Rhetorical Question

B) Emotive Language

C) Both

A) Rhetorical Question


Why are statistics used in persuasive writing?

They present evidence to back up your claim

Finish this sentence using triplets:

Bullying causes...

Bullying causes physical, emotional, and permanent damage.


Create a sentence about a school issue using alliteration with at least three words.

(Example sentence) Cracking down on viral vaping is vital.


Fill in the blank with a sentence starter suitable for an opinion:

___________ students should be more respectful to each other at Mabel Park State High.

It is my opinion that students should be more respectful to each other at Mabel Park State High.


Which sentence uses emotive language:

A) Imagine coming to school everyday to learn, but instead you are viciously attacked with words, food scraps and sometimes even fists.

B) This anger has been boiling in us for far too long, it's time to stand up against bullying.

C) Both

C) Both


Finish the sentence with a statistic:

Bullying happens to...

Bullying happens to approximately 1 in 4 students across our school.


Which words could finish this sentence with triplets: The current school facilities are...

A) creating concerns in our community.

B) too small, too old, and significantly damaged.

C) brilliant, bright, and brand new.

D) A and B

E) B and C

E) B and C


Explain where alliteration and facts are used in this sentence:

It is a fact that fighting is by far the foulest form of interaction.

Fact: the entire sentence

Alliteration: fact, fighting, far, foulest, form


Where would we find your opinion in an introduction?



What emotion is the author trying to make the readers feel in this sentence:

Will you just stand there and allow this to continue happening to our school bathrooms?



What statistic could be used to back up this claim:

Bullying is damaging the students of Mabel Park State High.

14% of students aged 4 to 17 experience negative mental health.


What is the effect of a triplet in persuasive writing?

It adds emphasis to your claims


Use the sound P to write a sentence using alliteration on any school issue.

People must persist in preventing damage to our facilties. 


Write a thesis with your opinion.

I believe that Mabel Park State High can prevent bullying by raising awareness on the harm that is causes.


Turn this sentence into a rhetorical question:

Imagine needing to use the school bathrooms, yet being unable to because of vandalism.

How would you feel if you needed to use the school bathrooms, yet could not because of vandalism?


Use the following statistic in a sentence to address vandalism:

Vandalism occurs in 56.5% of Queensland schools

Vandalism occurs in 56.5% of Queensland schools - how can we prevent Mabel Park from being a part of these statistics?


Write a sentence using triplets to address vandalism in the school.

Vandalism is inappropriate, damaging, and costly for our school.