The membership of this international organization is comprised of fundraising-centric members from the US
What is AFP Global?
A fund that is made up of gifts and bequests that are subject to a requirement that the principal be maintained intact and invested to create a source of income for an organization.
What is an endowment?
Never put anything disparaging or demeaning about a donor in your files or donor records, no matter how challenging they may be, because…
What is they can always request to see their donor file and the nonprofit must share it as written?
This is what you do after you ask someone for money.
Document submitted by a nonprofit in hopes of receiving funding for a program or project.
What is a proposal?
I was known for collective voluntary action (the Junto Club). I created the first subscription library and volunteer fire company. I was the first person to use “matching grants” to raise money and with it we established a city hospital.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
IRS form filed annually by public charities and nonprofits.
What is Form 990?
This is The highest degree of charity—above which there is no higher—is he who strengthens the hand of his poor fellow Jew and gives him a gift or [an interest-free] loan or enters into a business partnership with the poor person.
What is RamBam's Ladder?
This is the largest CRM Company
This foundation has the largest amount of assets in the world.
What is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?
I was a very paternalistic philanthropist and felt that you should give all of your money away when you are alive. I also wrote the Gospel of Wealth outlining what I think are the best causes to support as a philanthropist.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
This is a tax-exempt designation given by the IRS.
What is a 501(c)(3)
This is what you call the process of encouraging donors to increase their impact (and their giving) over time
What is moves management?
Writing thank you notes after someone makes a gift is a form of this.
What is stewardship?
This is what youfoundations/funders make sure is matched up when making a decision about giving a grant.
What is the Mission?
I was a French political thinker who wrote Democracy in America and observed volunteerism in American culture.
Who is Alexis de Tocqueville?
This is the percentage that foundations must give away each year.
What is 5%?
Over 80% of donations come from this group.
What is 'Individuals?'
This is where the funds are invested when you put them into an endowment.
What is the stock market?
Grant makers may request one or both types of these budgets.
What are program/overall and project budgets.
This Supreme Court case was the beginning of the legal framework for nonprofits.
What is Dartmouth v. Woodard?
This is the type of accounting when income is not counted until cash (or a check) is actually received, and expenses are not counted until they are actually paid.
What is the Cash Method?
This case study set up the framework for the 21st Century Parks Project.
What is the NYC Parks Case Study?
This is a publication created by organizations that provide the donor information in a fiscal year.
What is an Annual Report?
When a foundation’s grant process is not open for anyone to apply, they often state on their website on in the IRS 990 they do not accept these.
What are unsolicited grants?