Interpreting Charts and Maps

What continent is North of Africa?



Define Nationalism

The love for one's country


Based on these maps, which statement is accurate? 

1. Egypt and Ethiopia are no longer part of Africa.

2. By 1980, most African countries had become independent.

3. By 1950, most of Africa was controlled by Russia or the United States.

4. The Union of South Africa was renamed Namibia.

2. By 1980, most African countries had become independent.


During the 1950s and 1960s, the history of most African countries was characterized by

1. colonization by imperialist nations

2. the achievement of political independence

3. a sharp decrease in the birth rate

4. the development of economic self-sufficiency

2. the achievement of political independence


Define Apartheid 

The separation and discrimination of people in South Africa based on race


What country is located at the southern point of Africa?

South Africa


 The original goal of Pan-Africanism was to 

1. demand democratic reforms

2. encourage ethnic rivalry

3. promote a united Africa

4. divide Africa into separate countries

3. promote a united Africa


Independence was achieved by most African and Asian nations during the period represented by letter



The most significant occurrence in Africa since 1950 has been the 

1. decrease in the birthrate in most nations

2. decline of European colonialism

3. unification of East African nations

4. establishment of communist regimes in most nations

2. decline of European colonialism


Bantu Homelands

The areas Black people in South African were forced to move to by the White population


What desert is the largest in Africa?

The Sahara Desert


The actions of Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, Léopold Senghor, and Julius Nyerere were most closely associated with 

1. a rise in nationalism in several African countries

2. the end of apartheid in South Africa

3. a resurgence of colonialism in east Africa

4. the revival of Islam in northern Africa

1. a rise in nationalism in several African countries


Which generalization can best be supported by the information on this 2003 map?

1. Theocratic governments dominated the Middle East.

2. The governments of Southwest Asia were in transition.

3.  Many different types of government existed in the Middle East.

4. Military dictatorships were replaced by republics in northern Africa.



Describe the Cartoon using historical context

White Europeans are splitting Africa up to colonize


Pass Laws

The laws that Black people in South Africa must carry a pass stating where they are going and how long. A way for White people to keep their power.


What ocean does Ghana border?

Atlantic Ocean


A major factor in the development of 20th–century nationalist movements throughout Africa was a common 

1. language throughout most of Africa

2. goal to end European rule in Africa

3. ethnic bond among the people of sub-Saharan Africa

4. religion throughout most of Africa

2. goal to end European rule in Africa


The main idea of the cartoon was that in South Africa

(1) the fall of apartheid ended racial tensions

(2) Nelson Mandela was unable to bring about political reform

(3) another Communist government lost power

(4) a significant step was taken toward racial equality

(4) a significant step was taken toward racial equality


One way in which apartheid in South Africa and the caste system in India are similar is that both systems 

1. allowed for educational opportunities

2. determined roles based on gender

3. revolved around central beliefs

4. enforced different sets of rules for distinct groups of people

4. enforced different sets of rules for distinct groups of people


Forced Removal Acts

The laws that forced Black people in South Africa from their homes and on to the Bantu Lands


The current political boundaries of African nations have been most influenced by 

1. the topographic features of the continent

2. the patterns of European colonialism

3. traditional African language groups

4. the location of ancient African tribal kingdoms

2. the patterns of European colonialism


The actions of Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, Léopold Senghor, and Julius Nyerere were most closely associated with 

1. a rise in nationalism in several African countries

2. the end of apartheid in South Africa

3. a resurgence of colonialism in east Africa

4. the revival of Islam in northern Africa

1. a rise in nationalism in several African countries


The best conclusion that can be drawn from these graphs is that in 1991

(1) the Boers outnumbered the British in South Africa

(2) the black population has decreased due to emigration

(3) Asians controlled a greater proportion of income in comparison to their


(4) whites continued to control the largest amount of income after the end of apartheid

(4) whites continued to control the largest amount of income after the end of apartheid


What are Mrs. Hodson's babies' names?

Savannah and Beau


Classification system

A ranking based on skin color in South Africa