
The highest point in Africa.

What is Mount Kilimanjaro?


This body of water is located off the western shore of Africa.

What is the Atlantic Ocean? 


This American physician gained international attention in 2014 when he was one of the first to be diagnosed with and later recovered from Ebola after treating patients in West Africa.

Who is Kent Brantly?


A person who moves around to make a living usually by farming, trading, hunting, or gathering.

What is a nomad? 


The large island off the eastern coast of Africa.

What is Madagascar?


One of the largest deserts in the world, located in North Africa.

What is the Sahara?


This LONG river in North Africa flows from south to north.

What is the Nile River?


This Malawian inventor is known for building a wind turbine from scrap materials to provide electricity for his village.

Who is William Kamkwamba?


A fertile area in the desert where there is water and vegetation.

What is an oasis? 


These were privateers and pirates from North Africa, particularly from the Barbary Coast, who operated from the 16th to the 19th century and were notorious for capturing ships and enslaving their crews in the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

What were Barbary pirates?


This mountain range is located in North Africa.

What is the Atlas Mountains? 


This large body of water is located to the north of Africa.

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


This Congolese pygmy was exhibited in the American Museum of Natural History and later in the Bronx Zoo in the early 20th century.

Who is Ota Benga?


A temporary settlement set up to provide shelter and assistance to people who have been forced to leave their homes due to war, persecution, or natural disasters.

What is a refugee camp?


The late 19th-century period when European powers aggressively competed to colonize and claim territories across the African continent, leading to the partition and division of Africa among European nations.

What is the Scramble for Africa? 


This large artificial lake, created by the Akosombo Dam is located in Ghana and is one of the largest reservoirs in the world.

What is Lake Volta?


This artificial waterway in Egypt, completed in 1869, connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.

What is the Suez Canal?


This Ethiopian long-distance runner, considered one of the greatest of all time, won two Olympic gold medals in the 10,000 meters and set multiple world records during his career.

Who is Haile Gebrselassie?


The system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa from 1948 to 1994, separating people by race and severely limiting the rights of non-white citizens.

What is apartheid?


List two cash crops grown in Africa.

What is cacao, tea, coffee?


This massive open-pit diamond mine, located in Kimberley, South Africa, is renowned for its historical significance in the diamond rush era and is one of the largest hand-dug excavation sites in the world.

What is The Big Hole? 


Name two of the four major rivers of Africa.

What is Nile, Niger, Zambezi, Congo?


This ethnic group, native to Southern Africa, is known for their powerful military resistance against British colonization in the late 19th century, including their victory at the Battle of Isandlwana.

Who are the Zulus?


A term that refers to religious practices and beliefs that are traditionally passed down within a community, often blending elements of indigenous traditions with aspects of larger world religions.

What is folk religion?


What are the three vegetation/climate zones in Africa.

What is Desert, Savanna, Rainforest?