Jungle Jive
Country Crossover
Belief Battle
Water Way
Nature Melee

This thing is also an action. This can severely damage some natural places. It can interrupt some of your favorite games/activities. The presence/aura in this circumstance can introduce a dangerous substance  that has poisonous or harmful effects into nature. Land, the sky, the sea: it's done it all!

What is pollution?


You probably heard this one before 7th. It is a setting for many stories that are held in ancient times. It has it's own ancient history section. Capacity: 116,538, 258! This also holds one of the 7 great wonders of the world!

What is Egypt?


This can say something about you. Your look, your race: anything! This can do with habits and character. It'll effect your pride in what you do. This can not just effect you. Oh no no no: this can effect multiple people. Not just you.

What is Ethnicity?


This is the 2nd largest river in Africa. As it goes through west-central Africa, it's the 5th largest river in the planet. It can cut through the equator. TWICE! This is also surrounded by rainforest.

What is the Congo River?


This is a natural event when something goes bad. This naturally happens to water. Begins with a D. This happened to Lake Chad. This will decrease in amount.

What is a Drought?


This is now the unequal zone. This can interrupt equality to a near-extinct resource. This can effect tons of homes. One of the words for this is related to Linda Sue Park.

What is unequal access to water?


This can be differentiate from Algeria. This is bordered by it's not-so-much of a sister that's Niger. Can be known for the beaches. Bordered by Cameroon, Kenin and Chad, this can seem landlocked! But it can be found by the coast.

What is Nigeria?


This can be what you believe in. It's naturally towards somebody that's supernatural; usually a god. This can be held anywhere. This can spark debates and conflict so be careful!

What is religion?


This is the world's largest river in Africa and the world. It is the most connected to Egypt History. It spans at 4,150 miles. It can flows north through the Mt's of Africa Central. It ends at eastern Africa into the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the Nile River?


This is when there is an overflow in water. It's like a overflow on the Kitchen sink. It will naturally start due to a Tsunami. It'll destroy homes and farms.

What is a Flood?


You put water through a tube and probably spray whilst doing this. This can help with farming. You can compare the spray part to a water gun.

What is Irrigation?


Talk about a setting! This had a civil war in 1985. And is below 200.

What is Sudan?


This can do miracles. Those involved mean that they believe in God. This is also the biggest religion in Africa.

What is Christianity?


This has the name of a country that borders Nigeria. It is the principal river of Western Africa and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. And a number of 5 countries go for this river for their water supply.

What is the Niger River?


This involves tectonic plates. And when this happens, it can create cracks in the ground. You may encounter it whilst in snow.

What is a Landslide?


This has occurred with many events in History. You'll probably do this during lunch. Cards can be doable. Even some of your resources!

What is a trade?


Once again, this is not landlocked. This also has a name on it. Bordered by Somalia, Uganda and the place that holds Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), it's by the East coast.

What is Kenya?


These are the customs of a portion, a cultured team or group of people. For example, people that are African-American do Akan Line dancing.

What is Culture?


It is a headwaters reservoir for the Nile River and the largest lake in Africa. The countries that border it are Country Crossover for 800, Uganda and Tanzania.

What is Lake Victoria?


When this occurs, it clears land to make way to build. Through time, they used this to make way for Agriculture.

What is Deforestation?


This can do with the root of all evil: Money! This is essential to your country. It can go good, It can go bad, maybe in the middle. This can be done with goods and services. Although it can go anywhere, this depends on you. And it's needed for country care.

What is the economy?


Finally, a country that's landlocked. This technically has 2 names but the Main Name has the forbidden and underused letter.

What is the Democratic Republic of Congo aka Zaire?


This is the social advocacy of independence.

What is Nationality?


The basin countries for this cell is: Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger.

What is Lake Chad?


This happens when fertile land typically when land has been picked or forested.

What is Desertification?