What is a commodity most commonly made in Brazil?
What type of people were imported from Africa?
Enslaved Africans
What was the most common disease spread among the enslaved Africans?
Which continents were involved in the trans-Atlantic slave trade?
North America, South America, Europe, Africa
What is the name of the largest slave trade?
The Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangular Trade)
What is an estate on which crops are cultivated?
What type of people prospered as slave trade became popular?
What was the main factor that led to many deaths to enslaved Africans on ships and holding camps?
The spreading of diseases
Which region in Africa exported the most enslaved Africans to other parts of the world?
West Central Africa
How many enslaved Africans were involved in the trade with the world?
12.5 million
What is a port city by which goods are imported and exported?
Which type of enslaved people were valued more at the beginning?
Enslaved men
What was the main cause for slave labor in the Americas?
Lack of native populations led to shortage of labor on plantations
What European country traded the most with Africa?
Besides trading enslaved Africans, what other commodities did Africans mainly trade?
Gold and salt
What is the city in Africa known as a major trading hub and educational center?
Who is the famous leader of the Kongo Kingdom that fought against the enslavement?
Queen Nzinga
Why did the slave trade mainly target young men?
They were stronger and seen more valuable for labor
Which country started the first trans-Atlantic slave trade?
How long did the trade between Africa and the world roughly last for?
400 years
What was the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean called?
Middle Passage
Who was the Christian visionary born in Kongo back in 1684?
Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita
What effects did gender imbalances have on people after the slave trade ended?
It had lasting effects on family structures and societal development
What is the biggest U.S. city that imported enslaved Africans to work on plantations?
What was the main reason for the debut of the slave trade?
To obtain cheap labor