How long is the Great Rift Valley?
3700 Miles
Deepest lake in Africa
Lake Tanganyika
Name one of the two plates that make up the Great Rift Valley
Nubian or Somalii
Who named the Great Rift Valley?
British explorer John Walter Gregory
Where is the Great Rift Valley?
North East Africa
Longest Lake in the World
Lake Tanganyika
Name one of two seas in the Great Rift Valley
Sea of Galilee or the Red Sea
What was the nick name for the Uganda Railway
The Lunatic Line
The Afar people mine what?
How old is the Great Rift Valley?
35 million years old
Biggest Lake in Africa
Lake Victory
How is the Great Rift Valley unique?
It is the longest Rift in the world
How many estimated people died making the Uganda railway
What do the Afar people call the substance they mine?
White Gold
Why does the Rift split?
Craton crust
What makes the Flamengo Pink?
Bayta Carotene
What is the thin country running along the end of the Great Rift Valley
At its longest, how long was the Uganda railway?
660 Miles
What does is Daga?
The Great Rift Valley stretches from?
Mozambique to Ethiopia
What chemical gives the Soda Lakes their name?
soda ash—a sodium carbonate compound similar to baking soda
Why is the Great Rift Valley so fertile
Volcanic eruptions
Lake Victoria
Lake Tanganyika is four times deeper than which North American geographic location?
The Grand Canyon