Regions in Africa
Cultural conflict in africa
Global Importance
Human/Environment interactions
Natural Resources
Yes. because is getting moust of pruducts in hole regions.
What is savana as moust important region in africa.
I think it was in 2004. ( I only found that it was only in 2004.)
What did the cinflict existed in africa.
Because it is a part of earth and biggest country of all which is helpful making products for the world.
Describe how is africa part of global importance
In a year over million people may be killed or be in danger.
How many people is in danger in africa
There is a lot of resources in africa that is,silver,gold,oil,and other.
Do natural resources are made in africa or not
Burudi is the moust poorest region in africa.
Is there a region that could be very poor because of terrorism.
well many people new that there has to be conflict in africa. Because of view things, war and other.
Did people predict that there will be conflict
I think they will be because if they are now they probably will be next year and so on
Would africa be part of global importance in view years
because at the temperatureand moustly of desise and nothing to eat,si they from not eating and dangerous animals snakes and others
expalin why people in africa die the moust
Savana which do gold and oil and also south africa also has the same things
Which city make the moust product
Burundi,Congo, Democratic Republic of the,Liberia . Those citys,regions are poor because of terrorism in country as in region.
In africa how many regions is under poornest in africa
I may began when there was very hot and wanted to have their live better and also of the resources that africa producted they conflict for it.
Why did the conflict began.
yes because each country help them selfs in everything like getting oil, cash, gold, silver and other
Are products in africa helpful to other country in global importance
Because there are not many doctors in africa because they don't want to go in that country.
How are people in africa get to die very young age.
Because africa's history is about many informations about gold and their land is moustly desert so gold must been keep under it and left by people in B.C
Why is gold constracted in africa. how its made
The middle east,south africa,savana. Are the biggest regions that make resources.
What region create moust product
conflict mean the problem. in the state or region that the region has problems with something
What does cultural conflict mean
because africa is part of global importance not hole thing in global importance.
What is diffrent between africa and global importance
people in africa don't have items to live from and in usa people have thing to live on and get food not like in afirca people don't get food very much
How does people relate from africa and U.S.A
Gold because it is needed to people for place to live and help them get homes to live happy.
Which resource would you pick in africa.
South africa is the moust region.
What is the biggest region in africa ?
many people started to help each other and some started to be in terrorism.
Did people learn something in the conflict
well I think that there might be a civil war again and war between country.
What is if africa would not be global importance, what would happend
Because not much people have money in africa to pay for their hause and other thing. So they can't move to U.S.A because they might have family that needs help in Afirca
Why people are so poor and die what is stoping them to have better life in U.S.A
Yes and that's why other country's help african people to live still and help them get homes and food to live.
Are resources from africa send to other countrys