Climate and Vegetation
Natural Resources
Why is Africa called the plateau continent?
What is because most of the continent is above sea level.
What makes it impossible for ships to sail from the interior part of Africa, to the exterior?
What is cataracts.
What is the Sahara?
What is Africa's/the world's largest desert.
What fuels Africa's economy?
What is farming.
What are nomads?
What is people who make a living moving from place to place.
What is the most popular type of farming in Africa?
What is subsistence farming.
Aside from farming, how else does Africa use its rivers?
What is as a food source from fishing.
Name 3 factors that affect climate and vegetation of Africa.
What is landforms, water, elevation.
What are some natural resources here?
What is farming, timber, crops, and minerals.
What is silt.
What is bits of rock that fertilize soil.
What does each region of Africa contain?
What is mountains.
What does it mean to irrigate crops?
What is this means that farmers must find an artificial way to get water to their crops.
Briefly describe Africa's climate and explain.
What is Africa is mostly hot because of its location near the equator. Wind, water, and elevation cool it down.
What are Africa's most important resources?
What is crops, minerals, and timber.
Why must Africa diversify their economy?
What is because without diversity, their economy will suffer. example, if one crop fails - food shortages, famine, and lack of money occur.
Describe the Great Rift Valley
What is this is where most of Africa's rivers are located. It was formed when the continents pulled apart.
Explain the importance of the Nile River.
What is it is Africa's longest river (longest in the world). It floods, providing silt for farmers. Silt makes the soil fertile.
Compare/contrast subsistence farming to cash crops.
What is both are types of farming BUT, cash crops are raised to make a profit and subsistence farming is used to support one's family.
Why is mining a bad thing for Africa?
What is they have minerals to mine, but lack factories to develop raw materials into goods.
Explain what tributaries are.
What is these are smaller bodies of water, usually from runoff, that empty into a larger body of water.
What are the 4 regions of Africa and briefly describe each.
What is North - very hot, mostly desert and mountains, not very populated East- highest elevation, many mountains and plateaus West- most populated, fertile soil and river valleys South/Central- grasslands and rain forests
Name Africa's 4 major rivers in order from longest to shortest.
What is Nile, Congo, Zambezi, and Niger.
Compare and contrast Savannas and deserts.
What is deserts are areas with little vegetation and receive little rainfall. They are found near the equator. Savannas lie north or south of deserts and are areas with tall grasses and shrubs that receive some rainfall. The savanna has a milder climate compared to harsh desert climates.
Why is it important for Africa to diversify their economy?
What is their economy relies solely on farming so if the crops fail, they will have food shortages and no money.
What is an escarpment and how is this a key part to Africa's landforms?
What is this is a steep cliff which is relevant because most beaches in Africa have escarpments due to their elevation.