Village Life
Health Issues
Social Issues
What are three things needed for survival in a rural African Village?
What is Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing, Protection, Etc.
About how many countries are in Africa?
What is around 50 (45-55)
The illness caused by the bite if an infected mosquito.
What is Malaria
Why do people drink contaminated (dirty) water in Africa?
They have no other source for its all they can find.
A person who flees to another country to escape danger
What is refugee
Describe how your village is a good model of a real self-sufficient African village?
What is .....
Name the large desert on the North part of Africa. (largest in the world)
What is Sahara
What causes Sleeping Sickness?
What is being bitten by an infected tsetse fly.
This term is used to describe people that do not get enough food to is caused by famine.
What is Malnourished
Illegal hunting of protected animals
What is poaching
Most people in Africa live in rural areas (like villages), but what is changing about this???
They are moving to the Urban areas (cities) faster than anywhere else in the world.
Map page 539. Name 3 countries that the 0 degree line of latitude runs through.
What is Gabon, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somolia. The Equator is the name for that line of Latitude!
What causes HIV/AIDS?
What is contact with the virus through blood-to-blood, or unprotected sexual contact.
Why does Africa suffer from many people not getting enough food to eat?
Land is not good for farming (clay-like soil), they have droughts and no irrigation systems.
Mass murdering of a specific group of people based on their race/ethnicity or religion.
What is genocide
Why do famines, malnutrition, and the access to clean drinking water affect villages more so than people living in the cities?
Very poor (do not rely on money) so they must farm their own food. Droughts hit and they cannot provide for their village anymore. Water comes from wherever they can find a source = unsanitary and dirty
Name a country in Africa that is Landlocked...meaning they have no direct access to the oceans or seas. (not even by ways of rivers to the sea)
What is Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Chad, Botswana....
Why is HIV/AIDS more of a problem in Africa than anywhere else in the world?
What is lack of education on how it is spread so they don't know how to prevent it. They also do not have access to the medicine that strengthens immune system to keep people alive longer.
What crimes is Joseph Kony doing to the people of Uganda?
Kidnapping children and using them as soldiers, murdering people.
No food available over a large area.
What is Famine
Why do specific health and social issues such as HIV/AIDS and Malaria affect people in the villages more so than people in the cities.
They lack the proper education and do not have access to medical supplies or doctors to help them. They are also extremely poor, so they cannot afford the help when they get sick.
What is the meaning of the dashed border lines like on the borders of Somolia and Ethiopia, and the NorthEastern corner of Sudan.
Areas that the borders are undecided due to conflicts and/or wars.
How is HIV/AIDS changing the way of life in Africa? like in the villages?
What is causing many children to become orphans because their parents and relatives have all died. The average life expectancy has dropped to age 45.
Why are there many conflicts in Africa?
The countries may not have a strong government, so violent groups attempt to take control. There are thousands of different ethnic groups and languages in Africa. Competition for resources (water, food, reources)
Term used for villages that can support themselves and do not rely on any outsiders for food or water.
What is self-sufficient