Where is Rosewood located?
What tactic did slaves do to help the Union during the Civil War?
They would feed information to union troops.
Who helped find the NAACP along with the American Negro Academy for black intellectuals?
Du Bois
The first Africans in the New World came as what?
Explorers and soldiers
What year did the disaster in rosewood happen?
How were blacks soldiers rewarded for fighting in WW1?
They weren't
The NAACP and allies were successful in the case causing the overturn of racial segregation in schools which was named?
Brown vs Board of Education
What was the main cause of death during travel from Africa to America on the boat?
Disease (smallpox, malaria, etc.)
What was the black man's name who was accused of harassing a married white woman in rosewood
Why did black soldiers protest the Congressional Enlistment act?
It lowered their wages compared to white soldiers.
After staging multiple sit-ins at resturants,what was the result?
Due to economic losses, businesses were forced to start offering service to black people.
How did slaves rebel against their masters? Name at least one
mutilated themselves, murdered them, & learn to read or write,
what was the job of the black man that was kidnapped and torched?
During WWII,black soldiers in the military were now allowed to what?
Enter programs they weren't allowed before such as pilot traning,officer training,and engineer corps.
Congress forbids discrimination in bathrooms,schools,public accommodations, and more which is referred to as?
Civil Rights Act of 1964
the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World is referred to as what?
The Middle Passage
What was the estimate of people believed to be killed on sight?
How was the G.I bill unequal for black WWII soldiers?
Most colleges were racially segregated and refused to admit veterans of color.
President Truman issued what order officially desegregating U.S forces?
Executive Order 9981
In 1863, the final version of the Emancipation Proclamation was said to what?
allowed free black men to enlist in the army