Definition of push/pull factors
What is something that causes people to want to go to or leave a country?
Definition of apartheid
What is the separation of blacks from whites in South Africa?
Only country that escaped European colonization
What is Ethiopia?
Country with the largest part of the Sahara Desert
What is Algeria?
African land north of Sahel
What is the Sahara Desert?
Africa's push factor
What is the Transatlantic Slave Trade?
Name for South African non-white homelands
What are Bantustans?
Only 5 African countries not south of the Sahara
What are Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco?
Number of MENA countries
What is 20?
Giant of Africa
What is Nigeria?
Africa's pull factor
What are resources?
Act that created homelands for blacks
What is the Bantu Authorities Act?
Number of African(South of the Sahara) countries
What is 42?
Three religions of MENA
What are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam?
Climate of Sahel
What is semi-arid?
Event following African colonization
What is imperialization?
Primary apartheid protester
Who is Nelson Mandela?
Location of the Zulu Tribe
What is South Africa?
Four methods of getting water
What are qanats/rainwater, sequential water use, desalination, and water trading?
Resident tribe of Sahel
What is Fulani?
Effect of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
What is Africans being traded as slaves for centuries and people making money from selling them?
Black South Africans' only ticket out of homelands
What are passports?
Most prominent rainforest in Africa
What is the Congolian Rainforest?
Expansion of MENA
What is Middle East North Africa?
Animals adapted to Sahel
What are the jerboa and cheetah?