French and Indian War Beginning
French and Indian War Middle
French and Indian War End
Africans in the Colonies
Grab Bag

The French and Indian War was the North American portion of this larger, global conflict?

What is the Seven Years War?


This man proposed the Albany Plan of Union (1754) in order to unite the colonies against the French under one centralized government.  The plan failed because many colonial legislatures did not want to give up their power to a centralized authority.

Who is Ben Franklin?


This treaty ended the French and Indian War and the larger global war as well. Be careful it’s not to be confused with the treaty of the same name that 20 years later (1783) ended the American Revolution.

What is the Treaty of Paris (1763)?


This was the major cash crop of Jamestown and later much of Virginia.



According to the most widely believed theory, during the end of the last ice age (18,000 yrs ago) people migrated from Asia populating North America by crossing over a land bridge, which links modern day Russia with what modern day state?

What is Alaska?


Name all the New England Colonies

MA, RI, CT, NH (Maine is part of MA at the time)


The war started due to Virginians and French both laying claim to this area of the interior of North America.

What is the Ohio River Valley (also accepted the Forks of the Ohio)


This arrogant General thought it beneath him to fight alongside Native Americans, or to copy their style of fighting. His plan to march through the woods over the Appalachian Mtns and capture a major French fort at the forks of the Ohio ended with 1,400 British troops defeated and the General dying 4-5 days after being wounded in the fight. Who is the General?

Gen. Edward Braddock


The fall of these two major cities in modern day Canada were major British victories.  It gave the British total control over all Canada. Name one of the cities.  Double points if you can name both.

Montreal and Quebec (city)


Unlike slavery, these workers served a limited term of servitude. Usually 4-7 years.

Indentured Servants


Long before the arrival of Europeans, Native Americans traded goods across vast land trading networks. This vocab word means to exchange goods for other goods.

What is barter?


This land was granted to a Quaker, today the land has his name attached. The rest of the land's name means woods.

Penn's Woods



The Governor of Virginia sent him to deliver a message to the French at Fort LeBouef, which told the French to leave their forts and return northward. He was laughed off.

Who is George Washington?


In 1757 the tide of the war started to turn in favor of the British. This Prime Minister/Sec. of State started to plunge more money into the war effort. Later a city in Pennsylvania would bear his name.

Who is William Pitt?


The treaty that ended the war gave England control over all land East of this major river.

What is the Mississippi River?


This is one part of the triangle trade route.  Its the name of the leg of the route that brought enslaved Africans to North, South and Central America.

The Middle Passage


How do we determine the number of electors each state has.

Senators + Representatives = # of Electoral Votes


This region was known for it's religious intoleration and Puritanical rules.

New England (also accepting MA)


The Half-King killed this French Ambassador in a skirmish that was key in causing the war.

Ensign Jumonville


In 1759, British troops took fort after fort. However, this French fort upon the forks of the Ohio River was their most prized, as this is the Fort that started this mess in the first place. - And...No, spelling doesn't count - 

Double points if you can tell me what it was renamed.

Fort Duquesne

Later Fort Pitt

Now Pittsburg


This river was the entry point for the British in attacking cities in modern day Canada.

What is the St. Lawrence River?


The Gullah culture, rooted in Africa, managed to survive in the Carolinas and Georgia due to fact that Africans were the majority and many were on plantations that were somewhat isolated from major Europeans influence.  This colony home to the city of Charleston, was the hub of Trans-Atlantic slavery in the Colonies.

What is South Carolina?


Name three cash crops of the Middle and Southern Colonies.

Wheat, Tobacco, Rice, Indigo...etc.


This region is the "Breadbasket of the Colonies." For Double points name three things grown in this region that gave it it's name.

What are the Middle Colonies?



In 1754, George Washington, fearful that the French would retaliate after a skirmish in the woods that claimed the life of the French Ambassador, quickly had his men build this appropriately named fort upon the meadow for protection.

Double Points if you can name the date that fort was overrun by the French.

What is Fort Necessity? On July 4th, 1754?


On the Plains of Abraham, during the Battle of Quebec, these two top ranking Generals were killed. Name one...

Gen. Wolfe (British) and Gen. Montcalm (French)


This Ottawa Chief continued to fight the British despite the French giving up.  He raided British Forts in the Michigan area; namely Fort Detroit.

Who is Chief Pontiac?


He was the first "legal" slave. After being caught escaping with two other white servants, he was given a life sentence in 1640 the others were given a longer term.

John Punch (1640) Virginia


Name two current New England states that did not exist during the time of the 13 Colonies

Vermont and Maine


This city in the Colony of New York went by this name under Dutch Rule.

New Amsterdam