French and Indian War Beginning
French and Indian War Middle
French and Indian War End
Grab Bag
France vs. Britain
What is another name for the French and Indian War?

the Seven Years War


Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union (1754) in order to unite the colonies against the French?  

 Ben Franklin


This treaty ended the French and Indian War and the larger global war as well. Be careful it’s not to be confused with the treaty of the same name that 20 years later (1783) ended the American Revolution.

What is the Treaty of Paris (1763)?


What advantages did the Native Americans bring?

Guerilla warfare strategies and knowledge of the land


How were the British and French North American empires different?

French was more of a trading post empire and has less colonists.  British empire was a settlement empire.


Name all the New England Colonies

MA, RI, CT, NH (Maine is part of MA at the time)


The war started when both Virginia and the French wanted control over this specific territory.

Ohio River Valley aka Ohio Territory


This arrogant British General thought it beneath him to fight alongside Native Americans, or to copy their style of fighting. His plan to march through the woods over the Appalachian Mtns and capture a major French fort at the forks of the Ohio ended with 1,400 British troops defeated and the General dying 4-5 days after being wounded in the fight. Who is the General?

Gen. Edward Braddock


What territory did the British acquire as a result of the Treaty of Paris (1763)?

Britain acquired much of France's North American territories. They also acquired Florida from Spain.


What is a militia?

A volunteer army with no professional soldiers.


What side more Native Americans side with?

The French


This land was granted to a Quaker, today the land has his name attached. The rest of the land's name means woods.

Penn's Woods



The Governor of Virginia sent this young messenger to deliver a message to the French at Fort LeBouef, telling the French to leave the area as its British territory. 

George Washington


In 1757 the tide of the war started to turn in favor of the British with a new Prime Minister. This Prime Minister/Sec. of State started to plunge more money into the war effort and send soldiers to help with the fight.

William Pitt


Although the British won the war, they were straddled with a lot of ______________.



This is one part of the triangle trade route.  Its the name of the leg of the route that brought enslaved Africans to North, South and Central America.

The Middle Passage


Why did more Native American tribes ally themselves with the French?

They were pushing less onto Native American land and were more interested in trade. Better relations.


This region was known for it's religious intoleration and Puritanical rules.

New England (also accepting MA)


Both the French and the British wanted control over this important trade.

The fur trade


What powerful Native American allies eventually allied themselves with the British?

The Iroquois Confederation


As a result of the debt acculumulated by the British defending the colonies, Parliament decided to do what?

Tax the colonies


What is the Proclamation of 1763?

Parliament passed this to help prevent fighting with the Native Americans.  It forbid the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains


Name three cash crops of the Middle and Southern Colonies.

Wheat, Tobacco, Rice, Indigo...etc.


This region is the "Breadbasket of the Colonies." For Double points name three things grown in this region that gave it it's name.

What are the Middle Colonies?



What important French fort located in Pittsburgh did George Washington and his men initially try to take over but failed? 

Fort Duquesne


Why did the Albany Plan of Union fail?

Colonies did not want to give up their individual indepedence by uniting with the others


This Ottawa Chief continued to fight the British despite the French surrendering.  His rebellion resulted in the destruction of 8 forts, deaths of many colonists, and the eventual passage of the Proclamation of 1763. What is the rebellion?

Pontiac's Rebellion


Who was King of Britain during the war?

King George III


Who was dominating the early years of the war?

The French


This city in the Colony of New York went by this name under Dutch Rule.

New Amsterdam