Who is our trusted warranty partner for the 100-day limited warranty?
A customer calls in to explain they have not heard from SilverRock regarding a cosmetic claim they submitted 5 days ago (within the 7DMBG period). As the Advocate, you realize a case was never opened. What should you do?
Have the customer complete the ASR case on their Post-Sale Dashboard.
A customer just called in. They received their vehicle 2 days ago, and the tread on their tires is worn. What kind of issue is this?
Wearable concern: Tire tread wears over time. Remember, the customer has 45 days OR 1,500 miles to voice a wearable item concern.
You are trying to find all the open, pending, and resolved ASR cases your customer has submitted. Where can you find these cases?
The Carma "Cases" tab.
What does the powertrain manufacturer's warranty cover?
The parts of the vehicle that make it move! Engine, transmission, transfer case, driveshaft.
True/False: We cover the cost to repair blemishes that are notated in the 360-degree tour online.
False. We are transparent with our customers about what blemishes are on the vehicle.
Where can a customer see how much warranty or vehicle protection is left on their vehicle?
On their Post-Sale Dashboard (PSD)!
What happens if the customer has an open claim with SilverRock and calls in?
Explain the ASR process and answer all their questions before transferring them directly to SilverRock for updates.
True/False: If the customer visits a preferred repair facility, they need to pay a $200 deductible.
FALSE! Only non-preferred repair facilities require a $200 deductible.
When does the Cosmetic concern self-service portal on the Post-Sale Dashboard disappear?
After the customer's 7DMBG has expired.
True or False: We compensate for cosmetic issues that are inflicted (caused by) the customer during the 7DMBG.
False! We cannot help or compensate for any issues that are customer inflicted/created (admitted over the recorded line).
A customer calls in to report their vehicle is rattling when they speed up. They are still within their 100-Day Limited Warranty, but they are not within their 7DMBG. For extra protection, they also purchased CarvanaCare. What are the customer's next steps?
The customer should schedule an appointment by going to SilverRock's website and finding a preferred repair facility nearby. If they select a non-preferred repair facility, they will have to pay a $200 deductible.
What CarvanaCare coverage option includes free oil changes and tire rotations (up to a point)?
In what system can you provide a cosmetic extension?
Carma (via the Purchase Component)
There is a tear in a customer's upholstery. What type of concern is this?
Cosmetic: This concern has more to do with how the car looks.
If a customer has no remaining warranty (e.g., 100-day limited warranty, CarvanaCare, manufacturer's warranty), what happens?
The customer will be responsible for the repair costs/diagnostics.
Explain the difference between a diagnostic and an inspection.
Diagnostic: technician is checking the vehicle to discover the root cause of the issue.
Inspection: A technician checks the standard maintenance items and general condition.
When a cosmetic case is created by the customer, what must they include?
What two types of concerns are not covered by MOST warranties?
Wearable and Cosmetic Concerns.
Some wearable and cosmetic items are covered under CC Premier (oil and tires, dents and dings).
Provide a talk-off for a customer who is outside of their 7DMBG and SR denied their claim.
SR was able to verify the concern is within standards of the 150-point inspection.