The first thing you do before you enter the classroom
Say hello to Mrs. G by smiling and making eye contact
This is where your voice level should be when walking to specials.
During a spelling pretest/test or reading
What is not a good time to chat?
Body language that shows that you are respecting your teacher.
What is eye contact, sitting up straight in your chair, and listening.
The first thing you do during the clean up process
What is hands and knees?
Once you have put your backpack away, what you do next
Get your chrome book and begin the warm up
If you see a friend in the hallway, you do this.
What is wave and smile?
During a brain break.
What is a good time to chat?
How you show respect during morning meeting
What is wait for your turn when with your hand down, don't interrupt, show positive body language, and participate!
The second thing you do during the clean up process
Wipe your desk down.
What you do when you finish the warm up
Close your chrome book and wait for your classmates to finish
This happens when the class is not speaking at a level zero.
What is we get turned around and have to start over?
When you are working with a partner
What is a good time to chat?
This is how you show respect in the cafeteria.
Thank Mrs. Jamie for lunch, keep you hands off of the metal, raise your hand for Mrs. Furrow to dismiss you.
The third thing you do during the clean up process
Put your chair on top of your desk
Why we do not talk during the warm up
It distracts others
This is what you do when you see your specials teacher.
What is greet them with a smile and follow directions.
When the teacher is in front of the class teaching a lesson
What is not a good time to chat?
Ways that you can show you are following along with reading.
1. Your eyes are on the correct page and you are following along
2. You are no looking out of the window or around the classroom
3. You can answer the teacher's questions when the reading is over
4. You do not leave during reading.
Why it is important to get these steps finished and not chat/wander at the end of the day
Students want to go home!
Is it a requirement to participate in the warm up discussion?
No it is not, but it is encouraged!
The reason for why we talk at a level zero in the hallway.
What is that we don't want to be a distraction for other classes and we want to be a good example?
A bad time to leave the room to get a drink/go to the bathroom
What is when the teacher is teaching, we are reading, or during morning meeting.
Here are some ways to stop arguing in class
1. Rock, paper, scissors
2. Decide if the problem is big/small
3. Walk away
How you say goodbye at the end of the day to Mrs. G
What is in whatever way makes you comfortable! (High five, fist bump, wave, turkey, thumbs up, hug)