Giving First Aid Emergencies
Phone calls
Booking our Next Trip
Canada's Government

Sometimes we need to interrupt a conversation. Some examples of times when we need to interrupt a speaker could be:
 You need to leave
 There is a sudden emergency
 To ask for clarification
Give at least one example of how you can interrupt someone politely.

“I’m sorry to interrupt…”

 “I’m sorry for interrupting…”

“I hate to interrupt, but…”


A man has a chest pain. Do you have to call 911?

Yes, for chest pain always call 911. It is considered emergency because he may have a heart attack.


You hear this opening of a phone conversation:

"Good morning, I’d like to speak to Helena Davis, please?"

What do you think - will this be formal or informal conversation?



Which is the odd one out (doesn't belong to the group)

a) luggage
b) passenger
c) suitcase
d) bag

b) passenger


Whom does the Governor General represent in Canada?

the monarch


Which of these sentences is a fact and which one is opinion:

1.The weather is sunny

2. The weather is good

1. fact

2. opinion


Name at least 3 items you can find in a First Aid Emergency Kit

Band aid, tape, gloves, scissors, antiseptic wipes, blanket, aspirin, epi pen


Complete the phrasal verb with the correct preposition:

"I’m in a train station, and it’s very noisy. I can’t
hear you very well. Can you speak.... ?"



Name at least 2 different ways you can book a flight or vacation

on line; through an app; at a travel agency; by phone


Are the Members of Parliament appointed or elected?

They are elected by the Canadian citizens


We use transition words to connect our ideas. Give examples of at least 2 transition words that show sequence.

first, next, then, afterwards, finally


A woman has sprained her ankle. She is conscious. You want to help her . Do you have to ask her?

Yes, you have to. This is not implied consent because she is conscious.


You are calling a business . Identify yourself and ask to speak to someone.

This is Mary speaking, My name is Mary Smith.

Can I speak to .... / / Is John Brown there? / Can you put me through to .... ?


Explain the difference between a boutique hotel and a chain hotel

A boutique hotel is a single business while a chain hotel is owned by a large company which has many hotels in the same country or around the world


What is MP and MPP ?

MP - Member of Parliament

MPP - Member of Provincial Parliament


When someone makes a request, they want you to do something , they need something from you. Can you give an example of a request.

May I see your passport, please?

Can you show me your boarding pass, please?


What is "implied consent"?

Permission to touch that you assume
would be granted if the person were able to tell you.


Read the following email and give a suggestion for an appropriate subject line:

"Dear Sir or Madam,

In reference to your job advertisement, I wish to apply for the English teacher position at your language

school. I have attached my cover letter and CV for your consideration.


Emily Brown"

job application


Can you give at least 3 Tips: How to Survive a Long Flight?

1 Rest before you go.

2 Dress right.

3. Always bring something to entertain yourself.

4. Move around on the airplane


Name one responsibility of the Federal Government and one of the Provincial Government

Federal: National defense, foreign policy, citizenship, criminal justice, international trade

Provincial: education, healthcare, property and civil rights, highways


We studied 2 structures with the verb "get": 

"get + adjective" and "get (somebody) to do (something) "

Complete the following sentences with get + your choice of other words:

1. I didn’t have time to book the flight so I ...... to do it for me.


I always .......if I am in an airplane during a bad storm.

1. got a travel agent

2. get scared / worried


What are the responsibilities of First Aiders at work? Name at least one

- find the emergency equipment

- properly complete documentation

- follow the procedures

- call for help


Someone is calling you but you want to avoid speaking to the caller. Give examples of at least two phrases you may tell them

I’m a bit busy at the moment.

Can it wait?

Is it something urgent?

Can I call you back later?


Can you name at least 2 flight amenities or add-ons that are not included in the flight ticket?

luggage; advance seat selection; wi fi


What are the three key facts about Canada's system of government?

Canada is a federal state.

Canada is a parliamentary democracy.

Canada is a constitutional monarchy.