Afterschool Stuff
Long Division Style
Is it divisible by? - PROVE IT
Throw the question back

Afterschool tutoring starts and stops at these times

What are 3:15-4:15?


These are the steps in order to properly divide - long division style

Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring Down, Repeat the Steps


Is 99 divisible by 9

yes - because 9x11 = 99 OR 9+9=18, 1+8=9


Your answer must be in a complete sentence.

What did the itsy bitsy spider do?

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.


After scool tutoring is nonstop fun.

scool = school


Fill in the blank - Happy people aren't _______

What is 'mean'?


Rewrite the problem and compute

459 divided by 3

What is 153?


Is 104 divisible by 4?

Yes - 4x26=100 OR the last digit 4 is divisible by 4


Your answer must be in a complete sentence.

What are some activities kids like to do over the summer?

Over the summer, some activities kids like to do are _____


We have learned strategies for learning editing and long division.

We have learned strategies for learning, editing, and long division.


3 or more names or nicknames for Mrs Irving's therapy dog

Who are Eddie, Edward, Edward Snorton, Mr Dog, Beagle, Beagley Little Beagle, Edward W Dog, Puppy, Senor, Eduardo?


Rewrite the problem and compute

3451 divided by 10

What is 345 R 1?


Is 4624 by 4?

Yes - because the last two digits are 24, and 4x6=24 or 4x1156= 4624


Your answer must be in a complete sentence.

According to the video, is long division hard?

According to the video, long division is not so bad.


I cant believe it is over

You must find two errors.

I can't believe it is over.


Cacti have this adaptation to help them survive in the desert (several correct answers)

What are spines, musilage, rain roots, cuticle?


Rewrite the problem and compute

5680 divided by 7

What is 811 R 3?


Is 4549 divisible by 6?

No - because 4549 isn't divisible by 2.


Your answer must be in a complete sentence.

According to the video, which age is particularly special when it comes to friendship?

According to the video, adolescence is particularly special when it comes to friendship.


If i have to hear won more of Mrs Irving's terrible jokes, I am going too quit?

4 errors

If I have to hear one more of Mrs Irving's terrible jokes, I am going to quit.

Every sixth grader who has come to afterschool tutoring - you must list all of them to get the points.

Who are Max, Eli, Arianna, Talullah, Ravi, Wes, Emmett, Vi, Alix, Jack, Tyler, and Rogan?


Rewrite the problem and compute

87964 divided by 4

What is 21,9994?


Is 99,999,999,999,998 divisible by 9?

Nope. All those numbers don't add up to a number divisible by 9 because it's a bunch of 9s and one 8. Nice try, Mrs Irving.


Abby is a pretty outstanding human and has been great for sixth grade. What is a specific thing that Abby does that brings you joy?

A specific thing Abby does that brings us joy is ______


scientificaly speaking, Edward has the softest ears in in the entire univerce

5 errors

Scientifically speaking, Edward has the softest ears in the entire universe.