Into to food science
Hazards and causes
Food borne illness
Government Agencies
Identifying Sanitation problems

What is the definition of Food science

The nature of food, the causes of deterioration, the principles of food processing and improvements of foods for the consuming public


what are the 3 categories of hazards with examples

Physical- Band aid in food, metal shavings, etc. Chemical- Natural toxins, allergens, man made chemicals. Biological- microorganism, alive


What does USDA stand for and what does it protect

United States Department of AG, Protects the ag industry


What is the difference between food safety and food quality

Food safety deals with to protect food from food safety and food quality refers to the characteristics of food.


What was one of the first processing methods

Salt, storing in ground, smoking, cooking food, drying


What is the definition of food borne illness

An illness caused by contaminated foods or beverages


What does FDA stand for and protects

Food and Drug Administration, protects food and drugs


what changes did the industrial revolution bring to the food science industry

Mass Production and Commercial Foods, Factories, Fridge, Oven, Metal Cans, Microscope


What does FATTOM stand for with definitions

Food (calories and proteins)

Acidity (low acidity)

Time (2 hours in temp. danger zone)

Temperature ( danger zone 40 to 140 degrees)

Oxygen (depends on bacteria)

Moisture (High moisture levels)


What does APHIS stand for and protect

Animal and Plant Health inspection Service, protects animal health and welfare


What food innovation came from the world wars

processed and convenience foods


What are the 4 C's with examples

Clean: Wash hands and surfaces, fruits and veggies. Cross-Contamination: Keep raw meat from raw veggies. Cook: minimum of 165. Chill: Put away within 2 hours, don’t defrost at room temperature


What does both FSIS and OSHA stand for and protect

FSIS-Food Safety and inspection service, responsible for inspecting anything that comes into the country

OSHA-Occupational Safety and Health Administration-examine work places to make sure that they are a safe place to work at


How has the american diet changed over time

increased sugar and fat, increase in processed foods, and calorie intake increased


How long should you wash you hands in warm soapy water

20 seconds


Name diseases and their characteristics

Hepatitis A:  Uncooked food, fatigue and nausea, wash hands and clean non-cooked foods. Listeriosis- Contracted through uncooked food, nausea and diarrhea, cook food thoroughly. E. Coli- Under cooked meat, fatigue nausea, wash hands and cook food. Botulism-found in spores in dirty water,check cans to make sure that they are not damaged. Salmonella-comes from farm animals,eggs,dairy,poultry,chicken, and ducks, cook eggs to the proper temperature. Staphylococcus-found in hair,nose,throat,and infected cuts of human, wash hands before eating and cover wounds when you have a cut on your hands


What does CPSC, CDC, and EPA stand for and protect

CPSC-Consumer Product Safety Commission, present the public from any injury from products

CDC-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, control the disease that may get passed around

EPA-Environmental Protection Agency, regulate pest use and chemicals used