Its the most recognized piece of FFA. When we gather it is referred to as a sea of blue.
What is the FFA jacket
How plants get pollinated
What are Bees?
A mother pig is called a
What is a sow?
The National Bird
What is the Bald Eagle?
Arizona's State Bird
What is the Cactus Wren?
Wrote the FFA Creed
Who is E.M. Tiffany?
The fruit primarily grown in Massachusetts and Wisconsin, as noted by Ocean Spray
In the 1990s, the illness previously thought to be confined to cattle was found to have been expanded to impact livestock, other animals, and even humans
What is Mad Cow Disease?
He played Jack in the 1997 movie Titanic
Who is Leonardo DiCaprio?
The 5 C's of Arizona
What is copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, and climate?
The FFA Salute
What is the Pledge of Allegiance?
The 'stem' of a potato
What is a tuber?
The Difference Between a Cow and a Heifer when referring to cattle
What is a Heifer has not given birth yet and a cow has given birth?
The FDA stands for
The Food and Drug Administration
Arizona's state tree
What is the Palo Verde?
The FFA colors are
What is Corn Gold and National Blue?
The percentage of plant life found in the ocean
What is 85%
How much water a cow needs to drink to produce a gallon of milk
What is 2 gallons?
The number of bones in the human body
What is 206?
The Arizona State Fish
What is the Apache Trout?
Learning to do,
Doing to Learn,
Earning to Live,
Living to Serve,
Is what in FFA
What is the FFA Motto
The crop used to make ink in a newspaper
What is corn?
The number of toes on a typical guinea pig?
What is 14?
The U.S. State with the largest zoo
What is Ohio?
The number of pairs of jeans that can be made from 1 bale of Arizona grown Cotton
What is 215?