Employee Obligations/Responsibilities
Hazard Assessment
Emergency Preparedness

What are the two types of respiratory protection?

Respirator and airline mask or hood


Whose responsibility is it to wear PPE in the proper manner?



Sally is conducting a Hazard Assessment. What job position does she hold based on this information?



Alarm systems, fire prevention plans, and hazardous emergency response plan are all examples of...

Emergency Preparedness 


Tyler refuses to wear ear plugs while working in loud environments. What could happen to him if he continues?

Hearing loss or tinnitus


What are the proper steps of horizontal accountability?

You correct each other if that does not work tell as supervisor.


Rolling or pinching objects, electrical connections, and high intensity lighting are examples of which type of hazard?

Physical Hazards 


How often should emergency evacuation plans change?

Never unless necessary for safety issue


John is inspecting all of the hard hats on his jobsite. What should he be looking for?

Bumps, dents, and deterioration


Whose responsibility is it to care for and maintain PPE?

The workers/students(yours)


Liam is working with a C-clamp. He gets his finger caught in between the clamp and another object. This is an example of which type of hazard?

A physical hazard/Pinching 


What are 3 things a emergency response team should be trained in?

use of fire extinguishers, use of self-contained breathing apparatus, first aid, including CPR, shutdown procedures, chemical spills, and hazardous materials


William is wearing all of the proper PPE for welding he believes that he is no longer at risk when it comes to hazards. What PPE is he wearing and is his correct?

Welding gloves and hood, FR shirt, jeans, leather shoes, safety glasses, and no he is not correct. PPE does not eliminate hazards.


Jackson discovers a hole in his FR shirt when he puts it on at the beginning of class. What should he do?

He should take it off and turn it into his supervisor/teacher to get a new one.


John is working with harmful dusts and chemicals which type of hazard is this and what PPE should he be wearing?

A health hazard and a respirator along with a body suit. 


Mia was cutting wood with a saw. she accidently nicked her finger with the saw, but it is not a serious injury and looks more like a paper cut. What should she do?

Report it to her supervisor


Maria is building a sky scraper with her construction company. She is at the top of the scraper welding beams together. Which type of harness is she wearing?

A full body harness due to sever fall risk


Robert notices a hole in his welding gloves before he starts welding. He decides to keep welding with the same gloves anyway. He eventually burns himself because of the hole. Who is at fault in this situation?



What are 3 things that will be looked for when doing a hazard assessment checklist?

general working environment, personal protective equipment, flammable and combustible materials, floor and stairways, elevated surfaces, exits, emergency action plan, tools and equipment, and welding, cutting and brazing


During a hazards emergency response a chain of command can be established. What is a chain of command in this situation and why would it need to be established?

A chain of command would be selecting calm leaders to help maintain the situation and get people out calmy. This is done to help reduce the amount of risks and hazards.