These products are designed to control pesky weeds
True or False - An apple is classified as a pome fruit.
True! - Pome fruits have a central core of seeds surrounded by a tough membrane and edible flesh
What are the stringy things on the end of an ear of corn called?
Silks! Each silk corresponds to an individual kernel and must be pollinated
Which one of these options is WRONG in ag-speak:
A) I take two passes over the field
B) I make two sprays each season
C) I make two applications each season
B) I make two sprays each season
Former President Jimmy Carter was famously a farmer of this southern crop
These products help to control plant diseases and boost plant health
True or False - A pear is a stone fruit
False - have a central core of seeds surrounded by a tough membrane and edible flesh - think peaches, plums, apricots
What is the top of a mature corn plant called? Hint - it's where the pollen comes from.
Combining all chemicals, adjuvants, water, etc. to be applied to the field happens in a process called ___________
This farm animal is a cross between a donkey and a horse. They cannot reproduce amongst themselves.
These products protect crops from creepy crawly creatures that look to munch on plants and yield
Do blueberries prefer ACIDIC or BASIC soil pH?
Acidic, they prefer a pH of between 4.2 and 5.5. unlike most crops which prefer a more neutral soil pH of close to 7.0
Corn hybrids are created by crossing two corn __________?
Inbreds - Crossing genetics creates a response within the next generation of seed called "hybrid vigor"
Applying fertilizer through irrigation - a lot of times you'll see things like this in ag where you can piece together a definition
Are there MORE or LESS than 1 million dairy cows in the state of Wisconsin?
More - around 1.2 million head of dairy cattle in WI
These products are added to tank mixes to improve the efficacy of an application in a certain way (e.g. making things mix well, getting better coverage on the leaf)
Can be easily eaten from top to bottom due to its thin seed core?
A pear! (Aaron to demonstrate)
What is the process of removing self-pollination potential of seed corn to ensure cross-pollination? Hint- it's a common summer job in rural areas!
Which one of these is more likely to be legally approved:
OPTION 1: The herbicide controls broadleaves and grasses.
OPTION 2: The herbicide helps to control lambsquarters and johnsongrass.
Option 2 - HELPS is a great word to avoid making claims. Additionally, specificity on target weeds is important where possible, because not every herbicide controls every weed.
Why is a combine called a combine?
Because it COMBINES three major functions that must occur in harvesting - reaping (cutting the crop), threshing (separating the grain from the stalk), and winnowing (cleaning the grain from chaff)
These products are ALIVE - can be applied as types of fertilizers, fungicides, or micros
What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
Similar to sauerkraut or kimchi - this common form of feed for cattle is made by chopping up whole green corn plants into small, shredded bits, and then putting those bits into an anaerobic environment to ferment.
Corn Silage
How long is an ag chem product allowed to be referred to as "new" in marketing materials, according to the EPA
1 year after registration
Biosolids are a somewhat uncommon form of fertilizer that can only be applied to a field one out of every three years. What are biosolids made from?
Human waste - they are processed through waste management facilities